"I suggested the bombing of Belgrade. I suggested that American pilots go there and destroy all bridges on the Drina," Biden said at the time. The 78-day airstrikes campaign lasted from March 24-June 10, 1999. In addition, the NATO campaign continued through Serbia's Easter, which is called Pacha, the holiest day of the Orthodox Christian year. It's also noteworthy to remind readers that this campaign took place during President Bill Clinton's presidency, as his impeachment was proceeding apace. "I was suggesting very specific action," Biden added while appearing to praise his own "muscular" response proposals which guided NATO's war against the Serbs. Another event that occurred during this bombing campaign that has never been publicly explained was the bombing of China's embassy in Belgrade in May of that year. The attack killed and injured several Chinese citizens and journalists. “[W]e will never forget who had bombed our embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. We need no lecture on justice from the abuser of international law," China noted in a message to the European Union, the U.S. and NATO."I was the one who suggested the bombing of Belgrade. I was who suggested to send American pilots and blow up all the bridges over the Danube".. Joe Biden, 1999 pic.twitter.com/NrkvmTqN33
— Geo_monitor (@colonelhomsi) March 16, 2022
"As a Cold War remnant and the world's largest military alliance, NATO continues to expand its geographical scope and range of operations. What kind of role has it played in world peace and stability? NATO needs to have good reflection," the Chinese mission to the EU added. The National Interest summarized the bombing of the Chinese embassy: "Despite the seemingly extensive target vetting, on May 7 the Chinese embassy in Belgrade was struck by five Joint Directed Attack Munition satellite-guided bombs, delivered by U.S. Air Force B-2 Spirit bombers. Three Chinese journalists – Shao Yunhuan of Xinhua, and Xu Xinghu and his wife Zhu Ying of the Guangming Daily – were killed in the attack. Twenty other Chinese nationals were injured, five seriously." Biden, like most other Democrats, takes hypocrisy to new levels nearly on a daily basis. Sources include: SputnikNews.com ZeroHedge.com NationalInterest.orgChina to NATO: “[W]e will never forget who had bombed our embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. We need no lecture on justice from the abuser of international law…”
Wow.https://t.co/bMYHiEAPDo pic.twitter.com/FxK5e9GA1j — Nina ? Byzantina (@NinaByzantina) March 18, 2022
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