Sacramento shooter deemed "significant threat" by DA, but he was paroled six years early anyway - now, Americans are dead
By jdheyes // 2022-04-12
If you really want to know what the far-left Democratic agenda for America is, look no further than the Marxists who are being elected or placed into positions of authority regarding who gets prison time and who doesn't in blue states. The agenda is to create so much chaos, death and mayhem in as much of the country as possible so Americans will beg for a new system that wipes away our Constitution and all of its protections in lieu of an authoritarian model that will be used to crush dissent. The Agenda 21 plan is well on its way, too, as evidenced by the growing waves of very preventable violent crime in all major cities, where far-left, George Soros-financed district attorneys and prosecutors are literally refusing to enforce duly-passed laws which is allowing a growing criminal element to prey upon citizens. Case in point: A 27-year-old shooter in Sacramento who allegedly opened fire on a crowd and killed six people was a career violent criminal who was let out of prison six years early for no good reason (other than to cause chaos). The Daily Mail reports:

One of the men who opened fire on a crowd of people in Sacramento early Sunday morning, killing six, was a career criminal who was released from prison in February just four years into a 10-year sentence for felony gun and robbery convictions. 

The decision, made by California's Department of Corrections, was even made over the strenuous objections of the Sacramento County District Attorney's Office, which submitted a letter saying that the man 'displayed a pattern of criminal behavior' and posed a 'significant' danger to the community.

The alleged shooter, Smiley Martin, was arrested earlier this week at a hospital where he is still recovering from gunshot wounds received during the incident. He faces charges of illegally possessing a machine gun as well as possession of a firearm by a prohibited person, as well as murder, of course.

Two others were also taken into custody including Martin's brother, Dandrae Martin, 26, who himself has an extensive criminal record, having been charged with domestic violence, aggravated assault, criminal damage and marijuana violations. "Smiley and Dandrae are believed to be the two who fired the guns. Smiley posted a live Facebook video of himself brandishing a handgun hours before the shooting. Authorities are trying to determine whether the weapon seen in the video was used in the shooting," the Daily Mail reported. Smiley had been serving a 10-year sentence after being convicted of domestic violence and assault with great bodily injury, according to the Sacramento Bee. According to a letter from the Sacramento County District Attorney's Office to the Board of Parole Hearings on April 29, 2021, Danielle Abildgaard, the deputy district attorney, asked for the California Department of Corrections to deny Smiley's request for early release due to her belief that "he poses a significant, unreasonable risk to the safety of the community." She also stated that Smiley "clearly has little regard for human life and the law," as he had demonstrated a clear pattern of criminal behavior throughout his adult life, having committed several felonies. The letter also noted that Smiley had a number of prior felony convictions for robbery and firearms possession, as well as a previous misdemeanor conviction for providing false information to police. "Inmate Martin has demonstrated repeatedly that he cannot follow the laws, or conditions the court places on him," said the letter. "His history indicates that he will pursue his own personal agenda regardless of the consequences and regulatory restraints placed upon him. "If he is released early, he will continue to break the law," it added. But none of that mattered to the left-wing sycophants on the state DOC. They agreed to Smiley's request and now a half-dozen more Californians are dead. Shouldn't they be responsible for those deaths, considering this thug had another six years left on a prison sentence? Sources include: