World Bank wants to end car sales to combat "climate change"
By arseniotoledo // 2022-04-26
The World Bank is suggesting an end to car sales as a way of combating the damage fossil fuel vehicles supposedly do to the environment. On April 21, Nicholas Stern, one of the world's most influential climate economists and former chief economist of the World Bank, claimed that ending the sale of vehicles with conventional internal combustion engines (ICE) might be a necessary action the world needs to take to combat climate change. "The right kind of policies have to be put in place, including the abolition of fossil fuel subsidies, the advancement of carbon pricing, but clarity on timescales for decentralization of the grid, clarity on timescales for stopping the sale of internal combustion engine vehicles, and so on – making sure the sense of direction is clear in those ways," said Stern. Stern made these remarks during an annual spring meeting hosted by the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund. When he was asked about Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which contributed to rising energy prices around the world, including in the United States, Stern claimed the war shows how important it is to move away from fossil fuels. "The right thing to do is to move away faster and harder from fossil fuels," he said, later adding that making this radical change entails a "much bigger capacity for electricity." Stern's comments on fossil fuels and renewable energy were supported by current World Bank President David Malpass, who also said it was important for the world to move away from using coal. "We're at the point now where we have to be very concrete in how to close a coal-fired power plant in South Africa or Indonesia," said Malpass. "And those proved to be really difficult challenges because of the large cost and the long lifespan of the project." "We have to put in place a big transition, and we have to do it now," added Stern. "And of course, exiting coal, moving away from coal, [is an] absolutely core part of that – it's the lowest-hanging fruit."

California to ban gas vehicles by 2035

The World Bank's desires are being implemented in many parts of the world, most especially in California, where clean-air regulators have unveiled a plan that would phase out the sale of new gasoline-fueled vehicles by 2035. The proposal was put forward by the Air Resources Board of the California Environmental Protection Agency. If enacted, it would require 35 percent of all passenger vehicle sales in California to be for vehicles powered by batteries or hydrogen by 2026. By 2030, 68 percent of all passenger car sales must be supposedly zero-emission vehicles. By 2035, virtually all passenger car sales must not produce any emissions. (Related: Electric cars aren't going to save the Earth – or California.) This move would fulfill Gov. Gavin Newsom's executive order released in 2020 that called for phasing out new cars with internal combustion engines within 15 years by requiring the state to only sell "zero-emission" vehicles by 2035. Newsom's executive order is in line with the state's years-long plan to shift sectors of the economy to only use renewable energy. Data from the state claim that emissions released by cars, trucks and other vehicles represent roughly 40 percent of pollution in the state. "With Californians still experiencing the harmful effects of smog-forming emissions and the effects of climate change, which are expected to worsen in the coming decades, adoption of the proposed ACC II [Advanced Clean Cars II] regulation is critical and necessary," read the state plan. "Building on 30 years of work to electrify light-duty vehicles in California, the market is clearly poised for massive transformation." The rule would not ban people from continuing to own internal combustion engine vehicles already in their possession. It would also not prevent them from selling them on the used car market. Electric vehicles are already becoming more popular in California. In 2020, electric vehicle sales represented 7.8 percent of all car sales in the state. In 2021, that number jumped to 12.4 percent of total sales. Learn more about alarmist environmental policies at Watch this clip from "The Pete Santilli Show" as he talks about Washington moving forward with its plan to ban non-electric cars by 2030. This video is from the SBN News Clips channel on

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