Walls closing in on Biden family corruption: Two of Hunter's associates testified before grand jury about Chinese military-linked company
By jdheyes // 2022-04-01
The deep state operatives running what amounts to Barack Obama's third term must have decided that it's time for Joe Biden, the dementia gaffe machine, to go, which would explain the torrent of mainstream news reporting in recent weeks further exposing the Biden family's corruption. This month alone, The New York Times, CNN, the Washington Post and other legacy media outlets have confirmed what rational Americans knew in the weeks before the 2020 election: The New York Post's reporting on Biden family corruption using materials gleaned from a laptop Hunter Biden abandoned at a Delaware computer repair shop the previous year was indeed accurate. In essence, the materials and emails discovered on the laptop reveal that Hunter Biden and his uncle, James Biden, used Joe Biden's name and contacts to strike business deals worth tens of millions over several years, and with shady governments including Ukraine, Russia and China. Additional evidence that the deep state is setting Joe Biden up to fall: The Justice Department's investigation into Hunter Biden is said to be heating up, with some now projecting that he will be indicted. To that point, CBS News' Catherine Herridge also reported this week that two former business associates of Hunter Biden testified before a grand jury last fall about a mysterious, shady and now-bankrupt Chinese energy conglomerate that was linked to the now-infamous "10 for the big guy" email found on his laptop. "Federal officials are looking at his foreign business dealings, including his ties to a Chinese energy company," said "CBS Mornings" host Tony Dokoupil. "The investigation began as a tax inquiry years ago and has expanded into a federal probe involving the FBI and IRS," Herridge contributed. "A source familiar with the investigation now tells CBS News, two men who worked with Hunter Biden when his father was vice president were called to the grand jury last fall." The investigation seeks to uncover evidence regarding whether Hunter and his pals violated tax, money laundering and foreign lobbying statutes. According to congressional documents and other records that were reviewed by CBS News, federal investigators are looking at "multiple financial transactions involving an energy company called CEFC. Republicans have said that the conglomerate was an arm of the Chinese government, which means that, by default, it also has ties to the People's Liberation Army (PLA). The year Joe Biden left the vice presidency, 2017, a $1 million retainer was signed with a Chinese energy firm to use Hunter Biden's services as an attorney. His client, Patrick Ho, a CEFC official, was later convicted on money laundering and international bribery charges for unrelated work in Africa. To recap, CEFC was the firm the Bidens allegedly took a $5 million interest-free loan from that outraged their business partner, Tony Bobulinski, who then flipped on the Bidens after a Senate report identified the 'loan.' According to Bobulinski, he was introduced to Joe Biden by Hunter and they had an hour-long meeting where they talked about the Biden's business plans with the Chinese firm. He went on to say that Joe Biden was "plainly familiar" with all of the deal "at least at a high level." In addition, texts from Bobulinski also reveal that there was a concerted effort to conceal Joe Biden's involvement in all of Hunter's business deals, while he also confirmed that "the big guy" described in a leaked email is indeed Joe Biden. The Bidens are corrupt, and Joe Biden is incompetent. It seems apparent that the deep state has decided it's time for him to go. Sources include: ZeroHedge.com ConservativeBrief.com NaturalNews.com