Pete Santilli: The FBI is the greatest threat to America – Brighteon.TV
By kevinhughes // 2022-04-19
Pete Santilli believes the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is the greatest threat to America. "The greatest threat to the United States of America is the FBI. They are the ones that are behind all this stuff. They are the ones that are suppressing information. They are databasing you. They are profiling you," Santilli said during the April 12 episode of "The Pete Santilli Show" on Brighteon.TV. "If you're an anti-vaxxer, if you're belligerent, can you imagine if you go to the podiums at school boards and asked to have your children removed from their mask mandates? All of a sudden you're a domestic terrorist. The FBI is the one that hunts you down and profiles you and declares you to be a domestic terrorist." Santilli added that the FBI is in charge of hiding evidence or manufacturing evidence and setting up their little secret databases to communicate with the public. He added that the FBI has its own road program and is operating domestically to overthrow America.

Left-controlled FBI is leading the destruction of America

"It's not the Democrats that are running this thing. It's the Leftist that have hijacked the FBI. When you see them throw on their little navy blue jackets with their FBI letters across the back, those are the perpetrators of the destruction of the United States of America," the conservative talk show host said. Santilli noted that the FBI has a history of putting all their information and locations unknown, making them almost impossible to access from the outside. And with the discovery of their secret computer drive in 2011, a federal judge has ordered the FBI to explain whether it was using a previously unknown recordkeeping system to hide evidence from defense attorneys. He pointed out that the FBI not only hides evidence from defense attorneys, but they have infiltrated the defense attorneys. The Brighteon.TV host added that the FBI has also been infiltrating the judges' offices and the prosecutors' offices, which means that the whole system is rigged. According to Santilli, the FBI has a program to infiltrate militia movements and cause them to initiate violence.

FBI infiltrating American groups since the 1960s

The host mentioned that the FBI has been infiltrating American groups since the 1960s and that a well-known FBI infiltration operation was conducted in the early 1990s, which was codenamed Patriot Conspiracy or PATCON. The PATCON program is documented in thousands of pages of FBI records obtained through the Freedom of Information Act. (Related: The Sheriff Mack Show: FBI's Patriot Conspiracy program infiltrates and incites groups to violence – Brighteon.TV) PATCON was the centerpiece of an extensive investigation of militia and white supremacist groups in the states of Arizona, Alabama, Tennessee and Texas. "They have people inside the media. They've got people inside the militia groups. They're literally creating a false reality. They paint a picture, they grab a couple of people, pluck them out of the crowd and then use that politically for over a year to demonize their political opponents," Santilli explained. He added that the FBI that used to investigate communists has now become them under the tutelage of John Brennan, the lead communist over at the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Santilli also presented a video clip of American Greatness senior writer Julie Kelly's interview with "War Room" host Steve Bannon. Kelly said the FBI was creating imaginary militia groups. She noted that the storming of the Michigan Capitol in Lansing, Michigan in the spring of 2020 was a rehearsal for the January 6 incident at the Capitol. Follow to know more about the covert operations of the FBI. Watch the full April 12 episode of "The Pete Santilli Show" below. "The Pete Santilli Show" airs every Monday and Tuesday at 6-7 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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