Owen Shroyer slams Barack Obama for promoting Big Tech censorship
By ramontomeydw // 2022-05-04
InfoWars host Owen Shroyer slammed former President Barack Obama for promoting Big Tech censorship. In a recent episode of his "War Room" program, Shroyer zeroed in on a speech delivered April 21 by Obama at Stanford University in California. "[When] I'm talking to people at these [Big Tech] companies, I believe they are sincere in trying to limit content that engages in hate speech, encourages violence or poses a threat to public safety. They genuinely are concerned about it, [and] they want to do something about it," said the former president. "While content moderation can limit the distribution of clearly dangerous content, it doesn't go far enough." "There it is: Internet censorship doesn't go far enough. This is the same guy that met with all the Big Tech executives. This is a hardcore leftist, radical Marxist, communist, anti-American bigot – Barack Obama," Shroyer said. "He has these meetings [where] he implants his ideologues, the people that fall for his propaganda. He embeds them in all these different social media and [technology] companies, like [Vijaya] Gadde at Twitter," explained Shroyer. The Indian-born Gadde helms the Big Tech company's trust and safety, public policy and legal teams. The "War Room" host added that the Left's insane response toward Elon Musk's $44 billion purchase of Twitter stems from the fear that Gadde – whom Shroyer dubbed as "Obama's puppet at Twitter" – will be terminated, putting an end to their censorship efforts. A report by Breitbart elaborated on Obama's April 21 speech at Stanford. While describing himself as "pretty close to a First Amendment absolutist," Obama clarified that the amendment does not apply to social media companies. The former president instead called for more "value judgments" on content moderation and social media censorship, emphasizing that "regulation has to be part of the answer." "The First Amendment is a check on the power of the state. It doesn't apply to private companies like Facebook and Twitter," he said. (Related: Continuing its tirade of political censorship, Facebook just BANNED the author of a new book that criticizes Obama.)

Loomer pushes back against Big Tech mafia

Shroyer also played a video of Florida congressional candidate and conservative journalist Laura Loomer announcing a lawsuit against Big Tech. The complaint filed under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act was filed on May 2 in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, according to a press release. Attorneys John Pierce and Bob Barr, the latter a former U.S. congressman for Georgia, filed the RICO case on her behalf. "I'm proud to announce that I have filed the first RICO case against the Big Tech mafia … against Facebook, Twitter, [Meta CEO] Mark Zuckerberg and [former Twitter CEO] Jack Dorsey for racketeering. I'm looking forward to seeing how this case proceeds because for far too long, these Big Tech social media companies have been getting away with crimes," Loomer said in the video. Her complaint stated that the four defendants violated several federal criminal laws in the process of engaging in a pattern of racketeering activity. These crimes include interference with commerce by threats or violence, interstate and foreign transportation in aid of racketeering enterprises, providing material support or resources to terrorist organizations, advocating overthrow of government and wire fraud. "Just as I fight for regular, freedom-loving Americans every day on the campaign trail and soon in the halls of Congress, I look forward to taking on [the defendants] in the courtroom. I cannot and will not stand by while America loses many of our most important individual liberties, including freedom of expression, freedom of association, and free and fair elections," she said in the press release. The Republican congressional candidate also put in her two cents on Musk's purchase of Twitter. She remarked: "I want conservatives to understand that just because Elon Musk is going to be purchasing Twitter, it doesn't undo the crimes that have been committed by the social media companies." Censorship.news has more stories about online censorship. Watch this video featuring highlights from Owen Shroyer's "War Room" program below. This video is from the InfoWars channel on Brighteon.com.

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