Utah citizen Mike Brown tells Ann Vandersteel: Justice system has once again failed its citizens - Brighteon.TV
By kevinhughes // 2022-04-01
Mike Brown, a patriot from Utah, told host Ann Vandersteel during the March 28 episode of "Steel Truth" on Brighteon.TV that the justice system has once again failed its citizens. He was speaking from experience. Brown was first charged by their school board for using the district's own organizational chart to show that parents' rights for their children actually supersede the school board's. And last month, he was removed from a public Senate Bill hearing because he was wearing a "We the People" shirt and had a sticker in his hand that said "Yes to HB 60," alluding to a bill that supports the ban on vaccine passports. Vandersteel showed a video clip of Brown having a discussion with Utah Highway Patrol (UHP) troopers before he was removed from the hearing, which was on a recess at that time. (Related: Expert raises concerns about coronavirus restrictions following arrest of Canadian pastor.)

Arrested for wearing "We the People" shirt, "Yes to HB 60" sticker 

Brown called his arrest ridiculous and cited that in previous capitol committee hearing meetings, people had worn stickers to show their support for a particular issue. The man from Utah recalled that he took down his customized sticker when the chair of the meeting took a recess but was later told by a police officer that he was being removed from the meeting because of his shirt. Brown was charged with Class B misdemeanor for disrupting a public meeting by wearing a shirt that said "We the People" and having a sticker about House Bill 60. According to Brown, the chair of the committee and the president of the Utah Senate said they want the county attorney to drop the charges against him. They're just giving him a lip service, it appears, because all charges against him remain. Brown said he is looking at all options. The UHP had treated him poorly, holding him in confinement down in the basement without being able to see an attorney. He also blamed Senator Dan McKay, who was in charge of the meeting, for not doing anything to stop the police from doing what they did to him. McKay represents District 11, Utah and Salt Lake Counties as a member of the Utah State Senate.

Looking for deeds not words

"There are many violations. And so I'm looking at all options to try to get justice here. I initially want the charges just to be dropped because there's been a lot of lip service from people in high places, but nothing's happened. So deeds not words is what I'm looking for," Brown said. Brown added that he is right now looking for several lawyers, including attorney and human rights activist Lee Taylor Dundas, to make the best decision on what to do going forward. "Ultimately I hope the charges will be dropped first. But that has not yet happened. So it's very frustrating. A lot of people are frustrated here in Utah because this actually caused a firestorm; because it was so out of line the way I was treated. And people are so upset," Brown said. "And I know the Highway Patrol and Senator Dan McKay have received hundreds of emails, phone calls, but as of yet there's been no public apology or no dropping of the charges. So it's ridiculous. And it's very sad for me to see that this can happen in America, especially here in Utah where we're known for supposedly supporting the Constitution and standing up for our freedoms," Brown said. He added that the incident has caused a lot of people to think and realize that this was not right and that it can happen to them. "We're very patriotic here. And I just happen to be the person there that didn't want to be quiet about challenging the rules that they were making up. This could happen to anybody, so if they can beat me down they'll do it to the next person." Follow Tyranny.news to know why the current justice system is failing the American people. Watch the full March 28 episode of "Steel Truth" below. You can catch "Steel Truth" with Ann Vandersteel every weekday at 9:30-10:30 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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