Conservative congressional candidate Reggie "King Knub" Amerson shares encounter with the LGBT MAFIA
By ramontomeydw // 2022-04-03
Conservative congressional candidate Reggie "King Knub" Amerson joined Lauren Witzke on "The Stew Peters Show" to talk about his encounter with the LGBT mafia. The candidate for the Arkansas House of Representatives shared how his defense of traditional marriage led to his termination. Amerson gained the moniker "King Knub" due to the nub where his left hand is supposed to be. He explained to Witzke: "I have a nub, and instead of being sad and depressed, I was like 'Well, let me just embrace it.' Hence the name 'King Knub." So that's how it all happened." The congressional hopeful landed in the crosshairs of the LGBT mafia after he posted a video critical of conservative commentator Dave Rubin. The openly homosexual talk show host announced on Twitter that he and his husband David Janet were expecting two children via surrogacy. The first child was due to be born on Aug. 22  while the second child was due to be born on Oct. 14. However, Rubin's announcement did not sit well with Amerson and other Christian conservatives. The congressional candidate and father of two posted a video denouncing Rubin and Janet. "Gay people adopting babies is not conservative whatsoever. Why in the world is Dave Rubin and his gay partner … able to get [babies] first before these normal families, these families with a mom and a dad? Why are they able to get a baby before them?" "Those babies won't have a mother to nurture them. You cannot have a mom and a mom, you can't have a dad and a dad. You need a mom and a dad because God says it's how it's supposed to work." (Related: Lunatic Left playing GOD with unborn babies to fulfill twisted agenda of "same sex" parents gestating a baby.) Witzke, filling in for regular host Stew Peters, agreed with Amerson. "That's exactly the stance that we, as Christians, should be taking against perversions and the attack on the American nuclear family," she said.

"Offended" LGBT coworker orchestrated Amerson's termination

Amerson shared how expressing his Christian stance led to him being fired. "I was already working that day, but around Wednesday [afternoon], I was called down. I met my supervisor and the [human resources] supervisor, and all they said was 'Hey, we saw your video [and] there was a complaint from outside [the company]. Because of this, we're going to suspend you. We're going to [take] your phone and your laptop." "I was basically isolated from the internet for a while, then [they] had a meeting about it. Very short. All they did was let me know I was fired and they said it was over the video. They have still yet, to this day, tell me exactly what it was for. All they say [is that] I've violated their social media and harassment policy." An "offended" male coworker who was part of the LGBT community filed the complaint against the video, alleging that Amerson was "harassing" him. However, this colleague had been looking for politically incorrect material to use against Amerson ever since the latter announced his congressional campaign in the Arkansas legislature. "I'm running for office and my sign has 'Not in the best spot right now.' But on top of it, it says 'God first, family first, Arkansas first.' He found out I was running for office, and he was like 'I don't want him to make it into office because he's a homophobe.' This is what he claimed. So from that point forward, he's been watching my videos to try to find something on me – and that's what he did. He found [the video about Rubin], sent it to my bosses and got me fired." Amerson pointed out that this gay colleague who had him terminated was claiming to be a conservative and Christian. He added: "The guy who got me fired [was] claiming [that] he also backed the traditional family and was a 'free speech bro,' but he came after me for my free speech." Witzke concluded: "[The LGBT mafia is] really a mafia. They do come for your livelihood, they come for your family, they come for everything and they do not stop. It's just [because] they feel offended, so they lash out and they come for us all." Head over to to read more stories like this. Watch Reggie "King Knub" Amerson discuss with Lauren Witzke how the LGBT mafia got him fired. This video is from The Prisoner channel on

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