GENDER FLUID PASSPORTS? Gender "X" option now available for passports, so can everyone just "self-identify" as ANY age, name and country of origin also?
By sdwells // 2022-04-05
Since the U.S. government doesn't care what gender you really are as identified on a passport, it shouldn't matter much these days if you just use your imagination to come up with a fake age, a fake name and fake country of origin also. There is not much science behind anything "liberal" anymore, since men can supposedly get pregnant and dominate women's sports by simply stating they are a woman, so the clowns running Washington DC have decided to put an unidentified gender symbol "X" for anyone who can't figure out if they are male or female, and who simply choose to be neither for their international travels. This will certainly aid and abet criminals who want to hide their identity from authorities at airports, ports and other international terminals.

Transgender Day of "Invisibility" celebrated as passports now recognize gender fluidity by not denoting gender at all

In America, if you have your penis tucked between your legs, you are instantly a woman, and if you are a man and get fake breasts (implants) and a lady-style hairdo, you are instantly a woman. However, some people are caught in between genders, not quite sure what they are at any given moment, and they are called confused. The Biden regime wants these folks, including children of all ages, to be able to mark their confusion with an "X" on their passport, helping them keep from getting their feelings hurt by rules and regulations that would otherwise help protect our country from criminals and terrorists. Do you or your children identify as a cat, dog, or transgender humanoid? Just mark "X" on your passport and never feel threatened by gender identity again. Are you a known terrorist trying to enter America to cause chaos? Just mark "X" for your gender on your passport to keep security confused and thrown off your scent. Nothing the Biden regime does is for health, safety or security, it's all just about making sure people who can't figure out their own gender won't get their feelings hurt. Just grab your new "woke" passport today and create your own fake identity based on who you want to have sex with and the gender you want to portray. Soon you'll be able to pretend you're from any country you want so that nobody can say you're from somewhere you don't want to be from, so your feelings won't get hurt.

State Department public forms will now include the confused gender "X" mark as another "milestone" for installing communism in America

New passports do not require any medical documentation proving gender identification, even if a person has selected a gender that conflicts with all their other identity documents. So if your driver's license says you're a man, but your passport says you're a woman, you're good to go. All of this nonsense begins April 11, 2022. Since gender is no longer based on science there should never be any documentation required to prove gender. Do you "self-identify" as a little girl even though you are a grown man? You should be good to go. Just mark "X" next to gender on your passport. Also, to ensure "equality," soon you will (most likely) be able to choose whatever photo you like for your passport, including wearing a wig, lots of makeup, a clown nose, sunglasses and more, in order to protect your feelings and your gender style choices.

U.S. has the first federal agency to ever allow fake gender marks on passports

Are you a non-binary, inter-sex or gender non-conforming individual? The CDC cares about your feelings, and wants you to be able to travel without being offended, regardless of totally compromising the security of our country. The national LGBTQI+ "community" is now in charge of all national security, education, entertainment, sports, court decisions, rules and regulations that have anything to do with gender identity. After all, your privacy is of first and foremost importance to the State Department, even though all of your medical records are shared online with almost any government or police entity that requests them, at any time, for any reason. Understand that in America, all science is now a choice, including biology, gender, vaccine status, passport photo and more. All that matters is that your feelings never get hurt again. Forget about science, security and safety matters. Tune your gender fluid internet dial to for updates on kids claiming they are cats and dogs in school while being groomed for "coming out of the closet" before they even know what sex means. Sources include: