Crazy: School nurse suspended after Facebook post that questioned why 11-year-olds need puberty blockers
By jdheyes // 2022-04-05
The fanatical far left is literally destroying our culture before our eyes as they tear down one tradition after another while attacking science in the process. The latest case in point involves a 77-year-old school nurse in Hartford, Conn., who was suspended from her position for questioning why a pre-teen would ever need puberty blockers, with the insane left labeling her post "transphobic" -- a word that didn't even exist like 20 minutes ago. Cataford, who works at the Richard J. Kinsella Magnet School, posted on a mom's Facebook group about an 11-year-old girl at the school who is taking puberty blockers, as well as a dozen other students who 'identify' as "non-binary," though biological science has informed us well before there even was a field of study known as 'biological science' that there are only two genders/sexes in the human race: Male and female. Period. “Investigate the school system curriculum…CT is a very socially liberal, gender-confused state,” she wrote. “As a public school nurse, I have an 11yo female student on puberty blockers and a dozen identifying as non-binary, all but two keeping this as a secret from their parents with the help of teachers, SSW [social workers] and school administration.” “Teachers and SSW are spending 37.5 hours a week influencing our children, not necessarily teaching our children what YOU think is being taught. Children are introduced to this confusion in kindergarten by the school SW who 'teaches' social and emotional regulation and school expectations,” she added. Never mind that students do not belong to schools or teachers, they belong to parents and parents historically have discussed such issues with their kids at the appropriate time/age. She went on to question why they are even allowed to take a puberty-blocking drug or go through "gender mutilating surgery," considering that young brains are not even fully developed until they reach their early 20s (another well-known scientific fact, and one these diabolical leftists are well aware of, which is why they push their cultural pollution on our youngest -- when they are most impressionable). Still, because of the insanity of the left, relying on these well-known biological facts is enough to get your livelihood taken from you. For her "transphobic" thought crime, a parent reported Cataford to the school board, which immediately responded by handing her a suspension while members 'launched an investigation.' She runs the risk now of being fired -- for uttering science. In announcing the investigation, the board used a standard left-wing talking point -- and a blatant lie -- to announce the suspension. “Hartford Public Schools strives to provide an inclusive environment where all students feel seen, valued, respected, and heard,” Superintendent Dr. Leslie Torres-Rodriguez said in a statement. “We as a school district are responsible for the health, well-being, social and emotional development, and safety of ALL of the children entrusted to our care,” she added. Obviously, she and the school district aren't all-inclusive and don't really 'respect' all views and opinions. If that were true, then Cataford would never have been suspended in the first place. Not only that, as Infowars' Paul Joseph Watson observed: Apparently, health, well-being and emotional development now means encouraging kids whose brains have been scrambled by demented far-left gender ideology and social engineering be put on drugs that literally prevent the natural development of their body and brain. Is it any wonder why more Americans, aside from financial concerns, are choosing not to have children, given this is what they are faced with?  And remember, the alphabet people just want your kids to be able to have a ‘conversation about their feelings’! The American left wants to destroy our traditions and culture, without which our country will cease to exist as founded. That is pure evil. Sources include: