Lance Johnson releases Vax Freedom Guide to help individuals, healthcare professionals, parents and policymakers defend health freedom
By ethanh // 2022-04-07
Even though it might not seem like it anymore, human beings still have the right to informed consent, meaning they cannot be forced to take a drug or vaccine against their will. The key to avoiding compulsory "medicine" is knowing how to fight it. Our own Lance D. Johnson put together a Vax Freedom Guide to help individuals, healthcare professionals, patients, policymakers, and really anyone, learn how to stand up for the right not to be force-injected with Big Pharma chemicals. This includes Joe Biden's Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccine" mandates, which are both discriminatory and illegal, even if the authorities claim that they are backed by "science." "As individuals, parents, and healthcare professionals, we are told to 'trust the science' or be labeled an 'anti-vaxxer,'" Johnson says. "We are told that vaccine science is infallible, that it should be mandated on all people as if we have no innate immune system, as if we have no body autonomy rights." Students are also told that they cannot get an education without first getting jabbed, and military servicemen are told the same thing as a condition of defending our country. "But all this manipulation, propaganda, and fear is NOT science," Johnson warns. "The discrimination, censorship, and segregation is [sic] NOT informed consent."

Are you fully equipped to stand up for your own health freedom?

None of the tyranny that was unleashed throughout the plandemic is based in science or medicine. It also defies the United States Constitution, which recognizes the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness with no other conditions. "It's time to stand up for what is right," Johnson says. "Fear is not a virtue, nor is it a mandate. This is the land of the free and the home of the brave." "Families should not be separated, civil liberties should not be shuttered for injections that sicken, injure and kill. These experiments should NOT be considered 'preventative care' nor should they be advertised as 'immunizations.'" Johnson wrote the Vax Freedom Guide to protect his own family, including his wife and child, from such dictates. He got fed up with all the propaganda, lies, medical fraud, censorship and other methods of fascism being used by the government to enslave the general public under medical tyranny. Contrary to what many have come to believe, our rights do not come from the government, or from any corporations or pharmaceutical companies. They are ours to claim as a birthright, and cannot be withdrawn by another against one's will. "There's no denying that our health, our republic, and our future are at STAKE," Johnson warns. "This is why I urge you to pick up your copy of the Vax Freedom Guide. The guide is a first edition, which means Johnson will be updating it over time as new information surfaces. This one contains a battle-tested reference guide with critical details about vaccine injuries, science and the law. The guide is also solution-oriented, providing instruction for what people can do to both ward off the vaccine deep state and protect their own immune system. The goal is to teach as many people as possible how to stand up against drug and vaccine tyranny, and how to make informed decisions for their family. "This is an excellent read from what I have read so far," reads one of the reviews for the Vax Freedom Guide at Amazon. "It is worth your time to check out Lance's book!" "This book is very informative," wrote another. "Worth the read. The amount of research done to make this book what it is, is absolutely astounding!" More related news can be found at Sources for this article include: