Canadian bill to regulate online content will punish news and media organizations critical of "woke" govt. initiatives, policies
By jdheyes // 2022-04-11
Freedom and democracy are dying in Canada under left-wing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his Liberal Party, as we've increasingly seen in the age of the COVID-19 pandemic. The latest sign is a piece of legislation, Bill C-11, called the "Online Streaming Act," which will not liberalize and expand what Canadians are 'permitted' to see, but rather calls for social media platforms to promote "woke" socially leftist content to the detriment of any reporting and media that is critical of said policies, according to critics. As reported by The Counter Signal, the bill states that search engines like Google will be required to bolster news and media outlets that promote "radicalized communities, cultural and linguistic minorities, LGBTQ2+ communities, and persons with disabilities." As such, the outlet continued, news publishers who do not focus on those woke, left-wing topics will summarily be punished with lower rankings in searches. Other trusted, Canada-based media including "The Counter Signal, True North, Rebel News, and The Post Millennial will be shuffled to the last page of search results," the outlet reported. In addition to the legislation, Trudeau has announced that he will be tabling a new act that will further regulate the online news industry in Canada. "In my post today, I make the case that the government's defense of Bill C-11 has been 'cartoonishly misleading,'" Michael Geist, a law professor, noted on Twitter. "Assurances that only companies are regulated or that platforms will choose how to contribute mislead on the bill's implications." He added: “Yesterday, Liberal MPs:
  1. Assured the House that digital-first creators were outside Bill C-11
  2. Effectively admitted they were in but claimed would be excluded by a still-secret policy direction
  3. Dismissed creator concerns as “YouTube talking points.”
The Counter Signal noted that Trudeau's government "is trying fruitlessly" to portray the new authoritarian measure in the best light -- that it is really just an innocuous, harmless effort to help out "oppressed communities" and "strengthen trusted news sources in Canada." In other words, Trudeau and his Liberal Party toadies are using the same playbook left-wing Marxist Democrats use in the U.S. But in doing so, they are also admitting that their country isn't as inviting and as tolerant as they have made it out to be; how could it be, if it is necessary to pass special legislation just to help allegedly "oppressed communities"? And by the way, how, exactly, are these communities being 'oppressed'? How will censoring other news agencies make them un-oppressed? "In reality, this is more tyrannical action to boost ideologically friendly content and punish critical news organizations," The Counter Signal noted, citing the real reason behind this tyrannical bill. "In a somewhat goofy video, Heritage Minister Pablo Rodriguez tells Canadians what Bill C-11 is supposedly intended to do," the outlet continued:
  1. Make it easier to find Canadian stories and music.
  2. Support Canadian artists and create jobs.
  3. Support racialized and Indigenous creators.
  4. Make more accessible content.
  5. Make sure streaming services contribute to Canadian culture.
In fact, what's going on in Canada with its left-wing government is the same thing that is occurring in the U.S. within the Democrat Party: This is just another authoritarian effort to quash dissidence over woke, culture-destroying ideology. Liberty and freedom are dying throughout the West. The pushback is coming, however, and it will be violent. Sources include: