Ex-U.S. attorney says if he were anybody else, Hunter Biden would have been indicted before the 2020 election
By jdheyes // 2022-04-11
A former federal prosecutor has made an admission that very likely will confirm what most rational Americans already believed: That our ruling elites, if they are in 'the club' approved by the deep state, are simply not subject to the same laws and rules as ordinary Americans or those who are deemed unworthy of being accepted, such as Donald Trump and anyone who worked for him. Former Utah U.S. Attorney Brett Tolman said this week that first son Hunter Biden very likely would have been indicted on several charges before the 2020 election if he were "anybody else," following a report that an investigation into his overseas business ventures was a long way from being over. In an interview with "Fox & Friends," Tolman said that "the U.S. attorney in Delaware" -- the Bidens' home state -- "has had this case for a long time," and yet, nothing has been done. “Anybody else in this country, we would have seen these indictments probably before the election,” Tolman admitted. In addition, the former federal prosecutor noted that testimony from former Hunter Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski, as well as various emails and materials found on a laptop he abandoned at a Wilmington, Del., computer repair shop in 2019, raises possibilities that President Joe Biden, first lady Jill Biden, first brother James Biden, and others “facilitated their ability to take large amounts of money from countries … and to be able to hide that from the government and to hide what they were buying.” Now the executive director of Right on Crime, a project of the Texas Public Policy Foundation, a nonprofit group, Tolman also said that officials were "afraid to see, maybe, access that was given to the vice president at the time," who was Joe Biden. Asked if he were still a federal prosecutor whether he would "go after President Biden," Tolman responded: "I would be issuing -- months ago, I would have issued search warrants." “I would have requested [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act] warrants to uncover what was happening with China,” he said. “I would have put together, you know, a team of people.” The New York Post continued: Joe Biden has repeatedly denied any involvement in his son’s business affairs and said during the presidential debate on Oct. 22, 2020, “My son has not made any money in terms of this thing about — what he’s talking about China.” Tolman’s remarks came in the wake of a Washington Post report that said it had authenticated emails from the infamous Hunter Biden laptop — which the New York Post first reported and brought to light a month before the election, in October 2020 — including some that involved a deal the first son pursued with the CEFC China Energy conglomerate for which he was paid nearly $5 million. But the Post was not the first legacy media outlet in recent weeks to do an about-face and admit that the materials found on Hunter Biden's laptop, the contents of which were first reported by the New York Post in October 2020, were indeed legitimate. Earlier last month, The New York Times also reported that the materials had been 'verified' (though they were deemed real more than a year ago by then-Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe of the Trump administration. And NBC News has since reported that a federal tax probe Hunter Biden admitted he was the center of after his dad became president has expanded to include potential allegations he violated federal lobbying laws on behalf of foreign companies. NBC News said that several witnesses testified before a federal grand jury in February, but despite that, the investigation is a long way from being complete. The Bidens are filthy with corruption and our government knows it. And when the deep state is finished with Joe Biden, the hammer will drop. Sources include: NYPost.com NaturalNews.com