US army silences whistleblower who reported his commanding officer for ordering troops to take non-FDA approved COVID-19 vaccines
By arseniotoledo // 2022-04-12
A captain of the United States Army was forcibly admitted to a mental hospital after filing criminal charges against his commanding officer, who ordered troops to take non-licensed Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines. The captain in question, stationed at Fort Benning in Georgia, filed charges against the base's commander, Maj. Gen. Patrick J. Donahoe. (Related: Air Force to WASTE millions in taxpayer money by discharging trained, experienced, pilots over COVID-19 vaccines.) On April 4, the captain spoke with the Army's Criminal Investigation Division (CID) to file a criminal complaint against Donahoe. He alleged that the general was ordering his troops to take COVID-19 vaccines that have not been licensed for domestic use by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). According to federal law, the military can mandate vaccinations for its troops only with vaccines that have been licensed by the FDA. The military's current claim is that its soldiers in Fort Benning are receiving Pfizer's mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, which are FDA-approved. The officer at the CID who received the criminal complaint consulted their supervisor and left the captain to wait in a room for an hour and a half. Upon the investigator's return, he informed the captain that the CID is choosing not to open an investigation against Donahoe. Instead, the division contacted the captain's commanders, picked him up from CID and escorted him back to his brigade. Upon his return to his unit, the captain was immediately informed by his deputy commanding officer that he was being sent for emergency evaluation with the base's behavioral health center. Supposedly, the emergency evaluation had to be conducted to ensure the captain "wasn't a danger to himself or others." The army doctor that evaluated the captain claimed that due to this incident and a prior traumatic brain injury that the captain endured during his service, she believed the captain was having a "health crisis" and had to be admitted to the hospital for monitoring and treatment. As part of this evaluation, the captain was asked his opinion on the January 6 incident in Washington, D.C. and the validity of the 2020 presidential election. The doctor also kept trying to claim that the captain was part of an extremist organization and that he is an extremist.

Donahoe likely retaliating against the captain for whistleblowing

The captain is still being held in a mental ward at the fort. His friends and family are concerned that Donahoe confined him to the army's mental hospital in Fort Benning for standing up against the COVID-19 vaccine mandate. Someone who knows the captain said: "The captain is of sound mind, and he has complied and not been violent in any way. The chain of command, all the way from the commanding general Maj. Gen. Patric Donahoe on down, has weaponized the mental health system on Fort Benning to remove this captain from his family and silence him in his pursuit of accountability for the criminal behavior of the installation's commanding general." This is not the first time Donahoe has retaliated against people opposed to his views. In July 2021, he used his personal Twitter account to claim that people who are opposed to his views regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccinations are "trolls" who are part of the "disinformation tinfoil hat team." Later that month, he attacked a marine who had spoken out on Twitter against the COVID-19 vaccines, egging people on to harass him by writing "come get your boy." Donahoe has also been accused of "inappropriate" interactions with "young female officers on social media." He has used his significant following on social media to harass anybody who speaks out against him online, including the members of the military who made the accusations. Learn more about the COVID-19 vaccines at Watch this video as researcher and investigative journalist Dustin Nemos of the Nemos News Network talks about the Fort Benning captain, who he said was "medically kidnapped" for opposing the vaccine mandate. This video is from the Nemos News Network channel on

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