Pentagon-funded biolabs in Ukraine allowed Germany to conduct dangerous bioweapons research
By ethanh // 2022-04-21
Maria Zakharova, the director of the Russian Foreign Ministry's Information and Press Department, stated in a recent interview that Germany heavily funded and conducted dangerous bioweapons research in Ukraine. While the United States and the Pentagon appear to have ring-led the bio-military operations in Ukraine, Germany played a major role as well. "The German government has been enacting the German Biosecurity Program (GBP) since 2013, under the auspices of the German Federal Foreign Office, that also involves partnership projects with government agencies and research organizations in focus countries, which Ukraine joined in 2014, the year of Maidan," Zakharova explained. "German experts from the German Armed Forces Institute of Microbiology (Munich), the Friedrich Loeffler Institute (Greifswald-Riems Island), the Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine (Hamburg) and the Robert Koch Institute (Berlin), all of which specialize in lethal biological agent research, are involved in practical activities." Like the U.S., Germany continues to threaten Russia using almost the exact same script, and the reason for that appears to be because both countries are involved in conducting the same kinds of bioweapons research in Ukraine that the complicit Western media is ignoring. "This clumsy attempt by the U.S. to shift public attention away from the critically combustible topic of U.S.-controlled biological facilities in Ukraine by drowning it in this 'apocalyptic sensation' was surprisingly backed by German political leadership," Zakharova further explained. "Several prominent German politicians and bureaucrats, including Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz, have issued statements that echo the U.S. narrative by issuing righteous threats and warnings directed against Russia."

Russia tells Germany to stop spreading lies that could encourage neo-Nazi battalions to carry out atrocities

Long before the Russian Armed Forces began this latest military operation, both the U.S. and Germany were conducting "strong military biological activities" in Ukraine. Zakharova said that they may still be doing so even amid the crisis. "We are certain that this is essentially what drives Germany to be more active than other EU nations in attempting to link our country to criminal schemes involving the deployment of biological and chemical weapons in Ukraine and the unliberated Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics," Zakharova added. The GBP is still being executed throughout 2022, with declared technological objectives that include acquiring epidemic intelligence in third-world countries using big data technology, as well as developing partnerships with other countries' infrastructure to handle harmful biological agents. Since 2016, the Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine in Kharkov has been the major Ukrainian counterpart of the German Armed Forces' Institute of Microbiology. A special initiative called the "Initiative on Biological Safety and Biological Defense in the Management of the Zoonotic Risks at the Outer Borders of the European Union" has joined Ukraine and Germany in the collaboration. The objective of this initiative is to "improve the biological defense and security situation," and "particularly in the east of the country" that just so happens to border Russia. "This is clearly a manner of sending a subliminal message about the DPR [Donetsk People's Republic] and LPR's [Luhansk People's Republic] possible 'involvement' in developing plans to employ globally forbidden biological weapons," Zakharova warned. "The German military has been intentionally intimidating their Ukrainian colleagues for a long time, psychologically pushing them against the Donbass republics in the process. Ukrainian biological safety experts are constantly present at the Institute of Microbiology of the German Armed Forces' medical biodefense conferences, which are held on a regular basis." By all verifiable accounts, Germany's "biological security" efforts are tightly linked with its American allies, which have established a vast network of at least 30 different biological laboratories throughout Ukraine. "We demand that German officials stop circulating false information regarding our country's plans to employ weapons that are prohibited by international law," Zakharova concluded. "We feel that such declarations will only encourage neo-Nazi battalions to carry out horrific provocations, and that Berlin will have moral responsibility for the sad consequences." The latest news about the conflict in Ukraine can be found at Sources include: