“How much are we willing to pay, for the sake of convenience? Where do we draw the line when it comes to privacy and security? Who will be protecting the critical infrastructure, and the humans that are part of it?”A PBS NewsHour segment from 2019 also reviews some of the concerns surrounding implantable microchips. Importantly, just about any smartphone can read the chip with the proper scanner installed, and “anybody would be able to hack it,” according to Dr. Geoff Watson, a consultant anesthetist who has teamed up with the chip’s inventor “to ensure the implant procedure is carried out to a medical standard.” While many say they have no privacy fears around the current microchips, it’s reasonable to suspect that privacy concerns will rise in tandem with the amount of personal information held on the chips, and with the number of people who have the implants. Credit card theft was rare in the beginning and typically involved physical loss of the card. Today, you can’t seem to keep a credit card for more than a handful of years before it’s somehow stolen even though the card is still in your possession. Identity theft is also rampant, and getting worse by the day, as millions of illegals in need of new identities flood across the southern border of the United States. As noted by the Center for Immigration Studies, illegal immigrants are not “undocumented,” as most will obtain fraudulent documents through identity theft. In other words, they’re stealing the legal identities of Americans. In 2020, the total cost for identity theft and identity fraud was $56 billion — the highest in recorded history — and affected 39 million Americans. There’s no reason to believe theft and fraud won’t happen as microchipping becomes more commonplace. And that risk is in addition to the risks involved with the government spying on and controlling both your behavior and spending, once the microchips are connected to your personal finances and programmable digital currencies. In a November 2019 interview with CNN, history professor and adviser to WEF founder Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari, warned that “humans are now hackable animals,” meaning, the technology exists by which a company or government can know you better than you know yourself, and that can be very dangerous if misused. He predicted that algorithms will increasingly be used to make decisions that historically have been made by humans, either yourself or someone else, including whether or not you’ll be hired for a particular job, whether you’ll be granted a loan, what scholastic curriculum you will follow and even who you will marry. The plan to control the ‘useless masses’ In another interview, Harari discussed what Schwab refers to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution (read: transhumanism), noting that we’re now learning to “produce bodies and minds” (meaning augmented bodies, and cloud and artificial intelligence-connected minds) and that one of the greatest challenges we face will be what to do with all the people that have become obsolete in the process. How will unaugmented people find meaning in life when they’re basically “useless, meaningless”? How will they spend their time when there’s no work, no opportunity to move up in some kind of profession? His guess is that the answer will be “a combination of drugs and computer games.” I’ll let you decide if that’s a vision of utopia or hell on earth. Nothing will be private — not even your bodily functions The WEF’s plan for the Internet of Bodies even includes biosensors that measure and monitor your biological functioning and emotional states. Already, the Pentagon and Profusa Inc. have collaborated on the development of a tiny implantable biosensor that detects disease by tracking chemical reactions inside your body. For example, it would be able to determine whether you’ve been infected with a virus such as SARS-CoV-2 or influenza long before any symptoms emerge. As explained by Defense One, the biosensor consists of two parts:
“One is a 3mm string of hydrogel, a material whose network of polymer chains is used in some contact lenses and other implants. Inserted under the skin with a syringe, the string includes a specially engineered molecule that sends a fluorescent signal outside of the body when the body begins to fight an infection. “The other part is an electronic component attached to the skin. It sends light through the skin, detects the fluorescent signal and generates another signal that the wearer can send to a doctor, website, etc. It’s like a blood lab on the skin that can pick up the body’s response to illness before the presence of other symptoms, like coughing.”Now, the sensor allows a person’s biology to be examined at a distance via smartphone connectivity, and Profusa is backed by Google, the largest data mining company in the world. Knowing that, it’s hard to imagine that your biological data won’t be used to boost Google’s profits and increase government control. While Profusa was expecting to receive approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2021, it doesn’t appear to have been approved yet. Other monitoring and tracking devices in the pipeline Another invention that stands poised to track your health is biocompatible near-infrared quantum dot microneedle arrays. As explained in a 2019 Science Translational Medicine article, this novel vaccine delivery system is able to “deliver patterns of near-infrared light-emitting microparticles to the skin” that can then be “imaged using modified smartphones.” In short, it would serve as an invisible tattoo of your vaccination record. Bill Gates has also funded the development of a birth control microchip that can be turned on and off by remote control. The National Post writes:
“The birth control microchip … would hold nearly two decades worth of a hormone commonly used in contraceptives and dispense 30 micrograms a day … The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has given more than $4.5 million to MicroCHIPS, Inc., to ‘develop personal system that enables women to regulate their fertility’ …”In November 2019, Daré Bioscience, a San Diego-based biopharma company, announced it had reached an agreement to acquire MicroCHIPS Biotech and would be adding the birth control microchip to its portfolio. Interestingly, back in 2014, MicroCHIPS appeared confident it would be able to get the product to market in 2018, but as of 2022, it’s still in development. Programmable digital currencies are next Countries around the world are now working on a system for a CBDC, a fiat currency in digital form that is programmable so that you can spend your money on only certain things or in specific places, as desired by the issuer. In the video below, WhatsHerFace comments on Canada’s 2021 announcement of its plan for a CBDC that will be universally accessible, even if you don’t have a bank account or a cell phone. What kind of device might fulfill that? An implanted microchip, of course, that has your digital identity and digital wallet on it. In 2007, American businessman and film producer Aaron Russo told “Infowars” that the goal of the New World Order was to create “a one-world government, where everybody has an RFID chip implanted in them, and all money is to be in those chips.”
“There will be no more cash, and this [information] was given to me straight from Rockefeller himself,” Russo said. “So, they can take out any money they want, any time they want. They say, ‘You owe us this much in taxes,’ and they just take it out of your chip. Total control. And … if you’re protesting against what they’re doing, they’ll turn off your chip and you have nothing … It’s total control of the people.”Fast-forward to April, and Canada is now permanently enshrining its government-imposed sanctions against protesters in its new budget. As you may recall, the Canadian government shut down the bank accounts of participants in the trucker protest against vaccine mandates, and even those who donated as little as $25 to the protest. Crowdfunding platforms will now be more tightly regulated, and the government is also launching a legislative review of cryptocurrencies. Just imagine the control the Canadian government would have had with a programmable CBDC. The government could have prevented the donations from occurring at all, and shut down the account of anyone who even tried to give a few dollars to the freedom movement. A carefully crafted plan for world domination All of this is happening at the same time that the World Health Organization, another deep state technocrat stronghold, is building a global vaccine passport system. Once CBDCs and a global vaccine passport system are up and running, it won’t be long before they’re combined into one — likely in the form of an implantable microchip. We can predict this because they’ve told us that this is the plan. Just look through the WEF’s website descriptions of The Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Read the Rockefeller Foundation’s April 2020 white paper, “National COVID-19 Testing Action Plan — Strategic Steps to Reopen Our Workplaces and Our Communities,” which spells out the direction of social control through the implementation of permanent COVID-19 tracking and tracing measures. Look into the ID2020 Alliance, a public-private partnership founded by Bill Gates’ Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance, The Rockefeller Foundation, Microsoft, Accenture and Ideo.org. Members in the alliance include the Learning Economy Foundation, founded by the United Nations in 2018, Facebook, Mastercard, ShareRing, Simprints and others. ID2020 began as a digital identity program for Bangladesh, and has since expanded to include “the implementation of digital technologies which tie with the [Learning Economy] Foundation’s vision of a world in which learners can map their educational progress to achieve their academic, employment and life goals.” In the end, everything will be connected to a single implantable device. Right now, it’s a toss-up as to whether a vaccine passport or a digital identity platform will be the foundation for what’s to come, but what is certain is that whatever it’s called, it will include your digital identity, vaccination status and other health data and programmable CBDCs. Your digital identity, in turn, will include everything else that can be known about you through surveillance via implanted biosensors, your computer, smartphone, GPS, social media, online searches, purchases and spending habits. Imagine having an AI listening, watching and scoring every move you make and every heartbeat, and algorithms deciding what you can and cannot do based on your behavior, expression, social contacts and personal views. Add to that technologies that can modify your behavior and emotional state with or without your knowledge, which is what the WEF’s 2020 briefing document on the Internet of Bodies describes. It may sound like science fiction, but this is what they intend to do. Every new technology, every new surveillance opportunity they bring forward is to further this aim. For decades, we’ve embraced technologies with our mind set on convenience and/or safety. That’s always how they rope us in. But we will lose everything worth living for if we continue down this path without foolproof privacy safeguards and personal autonomy rights in place. Read more at: Articles.Mercola.com
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