Nearly 10 MILLION babies aborted across England, Wales and Scotland since approval of Abortion Law in 1968
By maryvillarealdw // 2022-04-29
More than one in four pregnancies in England and Wales now end in abortion, according to recent government statistics. Since the Abortion Act came into effect in 1968, a staggering 9,900,961 babies have been aborted across England, Wales and Scotland. In 2020, this translated to more than one baby lost to abortion every two and a half minutes, or 25 lives forcibly ended every hour. In the U.K., more lives are lost to abortion each year than those that had been lost throughout the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The number of abortions in England and Wales has reached a record high of 210,860 in 2020. In Scotland, the record was 13,815. Researchers have projected that the number will reach 10 million by October 5, although the date could come sooner. The actual number of abortions is likely higher than the projected figure if the cost of living, COVID-19, and DIY abortion pills are taken into account. This significant rise coincided with the introduction of a temporary measure in March 2020 that allowed "DIY" home abortions. Further, statistics released by the U.K.'s Department of Health and Social Care showed that 209,917 abortions were performed for English and Welsh residents in 2020 – 2,533 more than the previous year. Despite these large numbers, Right to Life U.K. has not yet included data for abortions that have occurred in Northern Ireland since 2020 because it was not made clear on which day abortions started being performed in the area, making it an unreliable model for a projection for the remainder of the year.

Safety abuses in abortion clinics

The increase in abortion also showed a rise in the number of safety abuses and other scandals connected with U.K. abortion providers, placing women at risk. In 2020, over 60 percent of England's abortion clinics were found to be rated inadequate or requiring improvement when it comes to safety. The Care Quality Commission has also released alarming reports detailing health and safety abuses at two of the largest abortion clinics in the United Kingdom. Inspectors found an abortion clinic in London that specializes in late-term terminations, which was putting the lives of women at risk. In November 2019, the CQC handed it the worst rating of any private abortion provider. There has also been evidence of abortion providers putting women at significant risk by not carrying out basic checks before sending them "DIY" home abortion pills. An undercover investigation discovered that these pills could easily be obtained and administered to others in a potentially coercive manner. U.K. police were also investigating the death of an unborn infant in May 2020, after its mother took "DIY" abortion pills in its 28th week. The abortion provider, BPAS, said that it was investigating eight more cases of women taking home these pills beyond their 10-week limit, raising questions on whether or not checks are being conducted to ensure that the law isn't being broken and that late-term abortions, which can be dangerous, are not happening. A nurse in the U.K. also shared how she left, fearing for her life and needing emergency surgery when Marie Stopes International (MSI) Reproductive Choices denied her proper counseling and pressured her into taking abortion pills at home instead of being under the supervision of a doctor in a clinic. Despite the rise in safety abuses, abortion providers still continue to be well-compensated in the U.K. through taxpayer money from government contributions, with abortion providers like MSI's chief executive earning £434,500 ($545,682) in 2018. The accounts also showed that the abortion provider had an income of almost £300 million ($376.65 million) from operations in the U.K. and overseas while receiving £28 million ($35.15 million) from the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), which remains to be its single largest donor. The abortion industry continues to target unborn children who have been diagnosed with a disability. The number of abortions performed on unborn babies with a cleft lip and palate in England and Wales increased by 105.88 percent in 2020 compared to the previous year. Meanwhile, figures have also shown that 90 percent of children diagnosed with Down's Syndrome have been aborted. Follow for more stories about laws limiting abortion in different parts of the globe. Watch the video below that discusses abortion in America. This video is from the What is happening channel on

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