Flashback: DHS, NYC emergency response teams released 'non-toxic gas' into subway months before recent 'terrorist' attack
By jdheyes // 2022-04-29
Something is going on regarding the subways in New York City, as evidenced by a pair of incidents that have taken place over the past couple of months. Earlier this week, NYPD officers arrested Frank James, a blatant black militant racist who released a smoke bomb in a subway car where the cameras were not working before opening fire and wounding several people. According to Fox News, James -- who got away with posting several threatening, racist videos to social media (while conservatives get banned for questioning Dr. Anthony Fauci's veracity) -- has been charged with one count of terrorism and several counts of armed criminal action. But according to the report, it sure seemed as though he wanted to be caught: James fled but left behind numerous clues tying him to the bloodshed, court papers show. A surveillance camera captured a crystal clear shot of him exiting the subway station at 8:40 a.m. -- one block from the attack, according to an affidavit from FBI agent Jorge Alvarez. Investigators recovered two bags from the crime scene containing a Glock 17 pistol, a U-Haul key, a container of gasoline, bank cards and fireworks, the agent wrote in the affidavit. A jacket that James allegedly ditched on the platform had a receipt for a storage unit in Philadelphia registered in his name that he had visited Monday night. Agents executed a search warrant on the unit. Why would he do that? Was he some sort of plant? Is he a role player? We asked because not long ago, NYC emergency response officials, along with elements of the Department of Homeland Security, conducted a rather bizarre exercise involving the release of "non-toxic gas" into a portion of the subway system, as we reported in October: New York City emergency preparedness officials will be working alongside federal counterparts from the Department of Homeland Security in releasing non-toxic gas at 100-plus locations around the city in what is being characterized as a drill. ...[T]he Mass Transit Authority (MTA) and DHS say the objective is to test the city’s and the federal government’s response to a weapon of mass destruction attack, as well as the public’s ability to recognize one. “Most of the locations will be above ground, including some parks. A number of below-ground subway stations will also be included, though details on which ones weren’t known,” the outlet reported. “The tests will be conducted on five separate days between Oct. 18 and 29.” The drill will simulate “the aerosol release of a biological agent in a densely populated urban environment,” the MTA said in a statement. “The study will track the movement of non-toxic material and the results from these tests will be used to learn more about the relationship between airflow at street level and underground environments,” the MTA’s statement added. “The study is part of ongoing testing under the federal Urban Threat Dispersion program. New York City has been tested before, back in 2016, as have other major cities including Washington D.C. and Boston,” NBC New York noted further. We already know that our government conducts false flag operations all the time on our home soil; the most recent high-profile event was the Jan. 6 'attack' on the U.S. Capitol Building, an incident set up to blame on then-President Donald Trump to permanently stain him and prevent him from ever running again for the presidency (because he was so effective and literally put America and Americans first -- a concept our deep state abhors). What's more, according to reports, there weren't any NY Transit Police on the subway or anywhere near the attack, which makes no sense -- unless, of course, the entire incident was a set up to gauge the public's response and to test a new form of attack. The point is, a lot has been happening in New York City subways over the past several months, and there are no such things as coincidences. Sources include: FoxNews.com NaturalNews.com