Biology teacher says it's more 'inclusive' to say that eggs come from ovaries rather than women
By newseditors // 2022-05-04
A transgender biology teacher has been revealed telling other colleagues that they want to distance students from the idea that women produce eggs. Instead, he says, they should rather refer to their body part of origin, which are ovaries. (Article by Nick Monroe republished from This comes from an undated clip that Libs of TikTok posted on Tuesday night. The educator's method for achieving their goals is by policing the language used in the classroom. Christian Rhodes, senior adviser to the secretary at the Department of Education, is seen present at the meeting. The stated rationale by Colorado high school biology teacher Sam Long for their instruction methods is that they believe teaching about all living things must be inclusive towards trans people. "In our classroom we need to be a stickler for inclusive language in any conversation," wrote the trans biology teacher. "A lot of textbooks, a lot of existing teaching will say, well, women produce eggs. Males are more likely to be colorblind. The mother carries the fetus for this many months. And some ways that we can show our support for trans and non-binary students just to clean up that language, be more precise. We can be more accurate and be more inclusive. So I would say, no, it’s not women that produce eggs, it’s ovaries that produce eggs. That’s accurate, that’s precise. We’re acknowledging that not all women produce eggs, and also, not all egg producers are women." Long plugs their project – – which has the following questions on its homepage, relevant to the expressed agenda that Long wants to get across to students:
  • "How can we affirm our transgender and intersex students when we talk about X and Y chromosomes?"
  • "How will students with same-sex parents interpret and internalize our lessons about meiosis and sexual reproduction?"
  • "How do all gender identities and sexual orientations fit into our understanding of science, development, and evolution?"
  • "Can we create safe spaces of scientific exploration and protect trans youth in schools?"
  • "How can we create a rigorous, NGSS-informed curriculum that gives students tools for understanding their world?"
Long says this project was started with the help of two other "trans-identified" teachers. It’s an active theme of his work. In January, Long was a part of a seminar panel about "social justice in the science classroom. The public response since Libs of TikTok shared the above clip has some expressing concerns about the degradation of biology as a field of study for the sake of progressive politics. "This person is a biology teacher and is specifically advocating teaching the topic in a way that is inaccurate and will confuse students," wrote RealClearInvestigations senior writer Mark Hemingway. "Here we have a biology teacher substituting political ideology for science," wrote Blaze contributor Delano Squires. "But grooming is a myth," columnist Mark Davis noted. This type of content featured on the Libs of TikTok Twitter was the subject of a row between the account’s owner and the Washington Post’s Taylor Lorenz earlier this month. The outlet published a piece that included identifying information about Libs of TikTok’s creator, in an effort to frame her as the catalyst for a so-called anti-LGBT hate campaign. Libs of TikTok ended up benefiting from the increased exposure by Lorenz, as they currently sit at over 1.1 million Twitter followers as of Wednesday evening. Read more at: