Trans federal official ATTACKS Florida surgeon general for trying to protect children
By maryvillarealdw // 2022-05-09
Health assistant secretary Rachel Levine has accused Florida's Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo of putting out "a statement based upon political considerations that is not appropriate." The first openly trans federal official was referring to the April 20 statement issued by Ladapo, saying that Florida would "clarify evidence recently cited on a fact sheet released by the Department of Health and Human Services [HHS]" about the systematic review of hormonal treatment for young people. Specifically, Ladapo noted that "systematic review on hormonal treatment for young people show a trend of low-quality evidence, small sample size, and medium to high risk of bias." Ladapo's statement was in response to a certain HHS document advocating puberty blockers for children with gender dysphoria. The document stated: "For transgender and nonbinary children and adolescents, early gender-affirming care is crucial to overall health and well-being as it allows the child or adolescent to focus on social transitions and can increase their confidence while navigating the healthcare system." In addition to these puberty blockers, the HHS also recommended double mastectomies, castrations and full sex-change surgeries. (Related: Transgender HHS nominee Rachel Levine wants babies to get sex changes without parental consent.) What makes the HHS document egregious is that there had been growing evidence that these ongoing medical experiments being performed on minors is physically destroying tens of thousands of children who later have lifelong medical issues. Author Abigail Shrier pointed out in her book, "Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters" that most children with gender dysphoria grow out of it, and many of those experiencing it today are part of what was called "peer contagion." The Florida Department of Health also noted another evidence from the "International Review of Psychiatry" that stated 80 percent of those who sought clinical care will lose their desire to identify with their non-birth sex later on. Shrier and Ladapo, among others, argue that many, if not most of those who experience these feelings find that their dysphoria subsides either before or after they become adults, when they realize they are homosexual or have come to accept their sex. Instead of looking into the evidence presented, Levine accused Ladapo of playing politics. She went on National Public Radio to claim that there has been no argument among medical professionals about the value and importance of gender-affirming care. Levine has attacked states that have sought to enforce parental rights over the willingness of schools to put transgender ideology on children or ban "treatments" for minors, especially those that amount to life-altering decisions or mutilations as some studies have already pointed out.

Levine's advocacies can put children at risk

While some companies like the Walt Disney Corporation have sought to normalize transgender ideology in students as young as kindergarteners, Levine's advocacies include dangerous policies. Her position also allowed her to go after anyone in any state that sought to protect children from dangerous policies. Levine further suggests that efforts by the Department of Education to limit the transgender conversation are a violation of Title IX of the Civil Rights Act. Instead of using Title IX to protect women as originally intended, Levine said that it will instead be used for "sexual and gender minorities." Levine also suggested that those who disagree with authorizing schools and physicians to proceed with irreversible medical and surgical services are ignorant, insensitive or bigoted. However, the dispute goes far beyond efforts to compel people to call transgenders by their preferred pronouns. Instead, the guidelines promulgated by Biden's administration and the threat of civil rights lawsuits sought to intimidate states, school boards, educators and parents alike. (Related: BREAKING: Babylon Bee suspended from Twitter for 'hateful content' over Rachel Levine joke.) Claims by minors being transgender are not only encouraged, Levine is forcing local authorities and doctors to comply with the demands of suffering children going through the years that are difficult for everyone to prevent them from going through the "wrong puberty," as she described. Children ordering life-altering surgeries or treatments are unheard of, and what Levine and her group are doing is silencing dissent regarding the impact of dangerous treatments put forward by fashionable "gender-affirming" narratives, despite massive pushback from outraged parents who believe that such policies are toxic. Follow for more news related to gender issues among children. Watch the video below about transgenders regretting their surgeries. This video is from the channel The Prisoner on

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