Police were also alerted to some threatening social media posts, The Post Millennial added. "Those posts show Staub's bedroom, in which he is pointing a gun at his bed, posing in a mirror that appears to have writing on it reading 'I will judge,'" the outlet noted. "The videos circulated around Atlanta's gay community prior to the club's call to police. Employees at the club told police that 'they observed threatening remarks made towards their establishment on social media.'" He went on to post several videos, including some where he laid out multi-colored Post-It notes with writing on them that said, "Don't give me something to shoot about." He also said that Georgia is an open carry of firearms state. Another video shows the suspect sharing a text message he apparently received that said, "People are calling us saying you bought a gun and are showing it online and they are fearing for their lives. What's going on? They are getting ready to call police. They are saying you are threatening to kill them. Answer." Several users posted on social media that The Heretic was targeted as a show of anti-LGBTQ sentiment. "Self-identified historian Thomas Lecaque/@tlecaque called for immediate censorship against rhetoric he dislikes in reaction to the arrest of a gay leftist man who allegedly made terroristic threats against a gay club in Atlanta," TPM's Andy Ngo reported. "This is not an accident, the rhetoric that pushed the Club Q shooting has been amped up even more since that terrorist attack (it was an act of stochastic terrorism), with the goal of pushing more such attacks. Something has to be done to shut down the rhetoric immediately," Lecaque charged, obviously without any evidence, justification, or knowledge of what was really happening with the situation. Which is par for the course on the left. Sources include: ThePostMillennial.com FoxNews.comAn Atlanta man has been arrested and charged with making terroristic threats toward a gay nightclub. Police say he posted videos on Instagram holding a weapon, with cryptic messages directed toward customers of The Heretic. @FOX5Atlanta pic.twitter.com/VdylQeHacv
— Rob DiRienzo (@RobDiRienzo) November 29, 2022
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