Senators refuse to approve any new defense spending unless military's covid jab mandate ends
By ethanh // 2022-12-02
Unless the United States military scraps its Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccine" mandate for servicemen and servicewomen, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and other Republican members of Congress are planning to vote against the annual National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Joined by Sens. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.), Mike Braun (R-Ind.), Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Rick Scott (R-Fla.), and Mike Lee (R-Utah), Paul says the only way he and his cohort will vote to pass the NDAA is if there is also a vote to end the military's covid jab mandate. "That's it," Paul told reporters at a November 30 briefing about the matter. (Related: Last year, Paul accused fake president Joe Biden of killing Americans by depriving them of access to Regeneron, a "passive vaccine" for covid made from monoclonal antibodies.) Paul's reasons for wanting the mandate to end are not so much about health freedom, sadly, as they are about the jabs not working to stop transmission. He also pointed out that young people, and especially young men, face an elevated risk of heart inflammation potentially leading to death. There is also widespread natural immunity to covid at this point, meaning the jabs are certifiably useless. Many also argue that the jabs are causing more disease and death, which puts members of the military at risk, not to mention our national security. "Some will argue that the vaccine mandate in the military is not new. That is correct," Paul, a doctor, added, pointing to lack of safety and efficacy as the reasoning behind his and his colleagues' opposition to the injections.

Warmonger Lindsey Graham fears there won't be enough military enlistees to fight his wars unless covid jab mandate is dropped

All in all, 13 GOP senators have signed a pledge to vote no on the NDAA unless the military's covid jab mandate is put to an immediate end – period. There will be no further negotiations on the matter beyond that, they say. "The problem here is that we're having a dilemma we haven't had in decades and that's finding enough people [to] serve in the military, [and] our recruiting goals are way short," Graham said about the matter. "The conflicts in the world are getting worse, not better. We need more people in the military, not less. And this mandate is going to result in thousands, tens of thousands of able-bodied Americans who are well trained leaving the military because they chose not to get vaccinated." In other words, Graham is not at all concerned about the safety of American men and women when it comes to getting covid injected. His primary concern is ensuring that enough of America's best are funneled into his war machine – because, after all, the globalists would never send their own to do all that dirty work. It is certainly true that the military's ranks are dwindling for a variety of reasons. Young Americans are tired of fighting endless wars for the globalists, especially as our own country becomes more impoverished, debased, and nightmarish at the hands of all these constantly squawking politicians. "I want to urge [the Pentagon] to change their policy," Graham went on to whine. "It literally is insane, I think, to drive men and women out of the military at the time we have recruiting shortages because of their refusal to take this vaccine." "At the same time, we've had millions of people coming to the country legally without vaccination that are being sent by our own government all over the country. This is not lost on most people. You're kicking somebody out of the military who's willing ... because they won't take a shot and you're letting people come in by the millions unvaccinated." The latest news about covid injections can be found at Sources for this article include: