FLASHBACK: Disgraced Twitter counsel James Baker was one of the architects of Russian collusion hoax
By newseditors // 2022-12-08
With Tuesday’s release of the Twitter Files, it was revealed that James Baker, Twitter Deputy General Counsel and former FBI General Counsel, was fired from his role at the social media company. (Article by Hannah Nightingale republished from ThePostMillennial.com) Baker, during his time at the FBI, was involved in the discredited Steele Dossier as well as Russiagate. According to the Washington Times, Baker had connected Michael Sussmann, a friend and lawyer, with FBI top investigators in 2016, where Sussmann passed along the claims that Donald Trump had colluded with Russia to win the 2016 presidential election. Baker’s time at the FBI ended in 2018 after he resigned, with the agency’s former counsel being eyed for potentially disseminating classified information to journalists regarding the Steele Dossier, according to the Washington Examiner. During his time at Twitter, it was revealed, he was not only involved in the censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop story, but had also vetted without the knowledge of Musk and the company's new management the first release of the Twitter Files on Friday, causing a delay. Read more at: ThePostMillennial.com