America's $1.7 trillion omnibus bill contains millions in wasteful spending for LGBT perversion, border security for OTHER COUNTRIES
By ethanh // 2023-01-02
Just in the nick of time, the Senate, including 18 Republicans, passed the pork-laden $1.7 trillion omnibus bill before government funding ran out – and you will not believe what it contains. Another $45 billion is going to Ukraine, of course, because the cockroaches in Washington, D.C., have to keep their biolaboratories and child trafficking operations going. This brings the yearly total of Ukraine disbursements to $111 billion. "Our people are braver and need more powerful weapons," bellowed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky from the halls of Congress at midweek Hanukkah as Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris held up a Ukrainian flag and celebrated. If that was not enough, money is also now being spent to designate parts of D.C. as "Ukrainian Independence Park," which will include "signs" established all around the park with "information on the importance of the independence, freedom and sovereignty of Ukraine, and the solidarity between the people of Ukraine and the United States." Then we have $11 million to be spent on LGBT-themed projects, including $1.2 million for San Diego Community College to create "centers to support LGBT students." There is also $3 million allotted for the American LGBTQ+ Museum in New York City and $750,000 for the "TransLatin@ Coalition" to provide "workforce development programs and supportive services for Transgender, Gender nonconforming and Intersex (TGI) immigrant women in Los Angeles." In Pittsburgh, $105,000 will go to a "mentoring program for LGBT youth" while another $865,000 will go to a similar "LGBT Center" in New York. (Related: Is America on the verge of a civil war?)

It couldn't be more obvious that Congress hates white Americans

Nothing in the omnibus bill was designated toward securing America's borders. However, a lot of cash – $410 million, to be exact – will be sent to Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia and Oman for "enhanced border security." In other words, all Senate Democrats and 18 Senate Republicans believe that you and your family (if you live in the United States) are unimportant and do not deserve protection from invaders from the south. Instead, you are expected to send your hard-earned money over to the Middle East to boost those countries' border protection. Millions of Americans can no longer afford food due to Wall Street corruption and Federal Reserve "money" printing sprees that have been taking place for decades, but none of that matters in light of the "restoration of Pacific salmon populations," a project that will receive $65 million from the omnibus bill. And, of course, more than half a billion dollars has been designated for funding more U.S. abortions, particularly in high-growth areas of the country where the globalists are concerned about a loss of "biodiversity" due to human reproduction. "That of the funds appropriated under title III of this Act, not less than $575,000,000 should be made available for family planning/reproductive health, including in areas where population growth threatens biodiversity or endangered species," a specific portion of the bill stated. There are all sorts of pet projects that the omnibus funds as well, including a $3.6 million "Michelle Obama Trail" in the state of Georgia; $2 million for the "National Great Blacks in Wax Museum" in Baltimore; and $1 million for Ohio's "Zora's House," which is described as a "sanctuary for women and gender-expansive people of color to dream, connect and create; to shine bright and inspire change." The only light-skinned people who benefit from the omnibus bill are those in Ukraine who continue to receive endless welfare payments from the United States Treasury because of Russia and Vladimir Putin. "It is criminal to pass a piece of legislation 4,100 pages long without it being read," wrote a commenter. "And it's criminal to throw in billions of dollars of pork that only benefits Congress members and their pet projects," wrote another. The latest news about America's Congress can be found at Sources for this article include: