New GOP House majority sets up powerful subcommittee to go after FBI, DOJ weaponization against conservatives
By jdheyes // 2023-01-12
House Republicans were abused frequently by the Democrat majority under former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who ruled over the chamber with a partisan iron fist, removing GOP members from committees, fining them for refusing to wear worthless masks during the COVID-19 pandemic, and boarding up the people's chamber for more than a year following the deep state's false flag attack on the U.S. Capitol Building. But now, after Republicans managed to win a majority in the chamber for the first time since 2018, they are wasting no time in exacting some political retribution while also moving to hold the Democrats' favorite agencies accountable for becoming overtly political. Newly elected House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), in exchange for support from the feisty Freedom Caucus, agreed to the formation of a new subcommittee to look at the abuses of conservative Americans and Republican political leaders, especially former President Donald Trump, by the FBI and the Justice Department during Barack Obama's term and Joe Biden's term thus far. The panel will be established under the House Judiciary Committee, and it will be chaired by Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), who is also chairman of the Judiciary Committee itself. According to the site Explain America: During a Friday evening appearance on “Hannity” just a few hours before McCarthy won the job after a tense night of back-and-forth with GOP members, Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) said that the then-Speaker candidate “committed to forming a subcommittee to the House Judiciary Committee and vowed to provide it with at least as many resources as the previous House devoted to the committee investigating the Capitol incursion of Jan. 6, 2021, under former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi,” the Western Journal reported. The Western Journal added: “Roy said the subcommittee would be similar to the well-known Church Committee, set up by Democratic Sen. Frank Church in 1975 to investigate the abuses of U.S. intelligence agencies." He added that the new subcommittee is authorized and will be set up to investigate the alleged “weaponization of government, the FBI, the intel agencies, DHS, all of them.” “We got more resources, more specificity, more power to go after this recalcitrant Biden administration,” said the Texas Republican. That said, Roy also noted that in order to fully hold the Biden regime accountable, the new House Republican majority must also exercise Congress' traditional role of having the power of the purse. “We can do all the hearings we want in the world, but if we can’t limit the spending that funds the bureaucrats, and stop buying the FBI a $400 million new headquarters that [Senate Minority Leader] Mitch McConnell just funded, then we can’t win the fight. You cannot win the fight for freedom if you don’t stop the bureaucrats. That’s what this entire fight this week was about,” Roy told Fox News host Sean Hannity. He added that corruption won’t end with just hearings; there has to be economic consequences too. “You stop it by not giving them the money to continue to do it. You gotta hold them accountable, limit their funds, and hold them accountable through the power of the purse,” he said. According to The New York Times, “The text of the resolution establishing the subcommittee would give the panel essentially open-ended jurisdiction to scrutinize any issue related to civil liberties or to examine how any agency of the federal government has collected, analyzed and used information about Americans — including ‘ongoing criminal investigations.'" Shortly after his victory, McCarthy announced: “We will hold the swamp accountable, from the withdrawal of Afghanistan, to the origins of COVID and to the weaponization of the FBI. Let me be very clear: We will use the power of the purse and the power of the subpoena to get the job done.” Sources include: