The Zelenko Report: Roger Stone blasts Ron DeSantis over his plan to challenge Trump in GOP primaries for 2024 – Brighteon.TV
By bellecarter // 2023-01-23
Political consultant Roger Stone recently blasted Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for his not-so-secret plan to challenge former President Donald Trump in the Republican primaries for the 2024 elections. The GOP lobbyist disclosed the truth about the governor's plans during his appearance on the Jan. 18 episode of "The Zelenko Report" on Brighteon.TV. He told program host Ann Vandersteel that while DeSantis is saying the "right" things and implementing laws that seem to benefit Americans, things aren't what they appear to be. According to Stone, DeSantis plans to use the remaining political action committee (PAC) funds to snatch the nomination from Trump. "With over $150 million in PAC fund left over from his gubernatorial run and a deep bench of anti-Trump billionaire donors, the governor is methodically preparing to challenge the man who is more responsible for putting [him] in the governor's mansion than any other Republican," he wrote in a Jan. 18 article on his Substack. Stone further eviscerated DeSantis for not being a MAGA Republican and for refusing to endorse Trump while still serving as a congressman in 2016. "After Trump had clinched the GOP nomination, [he] raised [DeSantis] from obscurity to the governor's mansion," he pointed out. The political consultant then told Vandersteel: "And now, in what I consider to be an extraordinary act of disloyalty and treachery, [the Florida governor] is planning to challenge the [former] president. [DeSantis is] an establishment Republican with huge billionaire donors.

Stone: Desantis "talks the talks, but doesn't walk the walk"

The consultant also outlined two examples of how the rhetoric of the Sunshine State's chief executive is not what people believe it to be, especially when it comes to health freedom. One example Stone cited is how DeSantis called on the Florida Supreme Court to impanel a grand jury to investigate whether Floridians had been misled about the "safety and effectiveness" of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines. (Related: Gov. DeSantis: Big Pharma will pay for deceiving the public with false advertising about COVID-19 vaccines.) "But what he doesn't tell you is that he signed a law giving those who made this vaccination a full and complete legal immunity," he said, adding that on the contrary, "he championed the vaccination." Another example the consultant cited was how DeSantis outlawed mask and vaccine mandates. But in reality, these have not been enforced – citing the example of his own daughter who works in the medical field. "My daughter is an emergency room nurse at a very prominent local hospital, fighting for her job because she refuses to be vaccinated," Stone shared. "They refuse to let her work without being masked." Lastly, Stone cited how DeSantis blocked public schools in Florida from teaching critical race theory (CRT). He commented: "It sounds good. It was great rhetoric before the election." "But here in Broward County – the largest school district (SD) in the state and the sixth-largest SD in the U.S. – [the school board] just adopted a curriculum that is nothing but pure, unadulterated CRT. This is not the only county where that is the case. Ultimately, the political consultant emphasized how DeSantis "talks the talk, but really does not walk the walk." Vandersteel agreed with Stone, pointing out that Republicans should be very careful who to support in the next primaries. "People who are looking for medical freedom and bodily sovereignty need to stay very attuned at this point in time," she said. has more stories about the Florida governor. Watch the January 18 episode of "The Zelenko Report" with Ann Vandersteel featuring Roger Stone below. Catch new episodes of the program every weekday at 1:00 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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