Sinister left-wing 'academics' using 'racism' lie to ensure black women stay unhealthy and die sooner
By jdheyes // 2023-01-09
Far-left 'academics' and activists who vote in lockstep for the Democratic Party are proving again just how sinister they really are and why they must be defeated politically at every turn. For years, these people have used straw man arguments like "racism" and "bigotry" to essentially 'whitewash' the influence of minorities out of our culture and society. Here are some examples: -- They claimed that the Native American girl used by the company Land O' Lakes in its logo was "bigotry," so the company removed her image from its packaging, thus taking an innocent Native American image out of our culture. -- The same leftists also claimed that the NFL's Washington Redskins was "racist" and "bigoted," though the founders of the team chose that reference to the American Indian because of their fearsome, warrior-like reputations -- not to be 'racist.' Beginning this year, the team's owner, Dan Snyder, was forced under threat of being 'canceled' to adopt a different name; now the team is known as the Washington Commanders, about as white a cultural reference as you can get. Another Native American cultural influence (and a big one, since the NFL is the country's most-watched sport) eliminated. -- Ditto for Major League Baseball's Cleveland Indians; they are now called the Cleveland Guardians, another very white cultural term and reference. -- As for blacks, the Aunt Jemima brand and iconic black nanny known for her wholesome goodness and fine cooking has been canceled. It is known now as the Pearl Milling Company -- thus eliminating a major black cultural influence. In her place, we get the destructive side of black culture being pushed on our society: Fatherless homes; gangsta culture; violence; and abortion. And now, the same garbage leftists are going after black women to make them less healthy, all under the lie of "combatting racism." And worse, this is all being presented as a "scientific study." What's the issue? Advising black women on how to combat obesity is racist. Per the Scientific American: Black people, and Black women in particular, face considerable health challenges. Compared with their rates in other racial groups, chronic cardiovascular, inflammatory and metabolic risk factors have been found to be elevated in Black women, even after controlling for behaviors such as smoking, physical exercise or dietary variables. Black women have also been identified as the subgroup with the highest body mass index (BMI) in the U.S., with four out of five classified as either “overweight” or “obese.” Many doctors have claimed that Black women’s “excess” weight is the main cause of their poor health outcomes, often without fully testing or diagnosing them. While there has been a massive public health campaign urging fat people to eat right, eat less and lose weight, Black women have been specifically targeted. Well, why wouldn't they be "specifically targeted?" The article says specifically that "black women have also been identified as the subgroup with the highest body mass index," and that "four out of five" of them are "classified as either 'overweight' or 'obese.'" Shouldn't they be singled out for advice on how to achieve better health outcomes? Isn't that the objective of science and medicine, to identify who is most at risk of disease and then help develop programs and plans to steer them in the right direction so that they get more healthy? That's the way it's always been -- until now, that is. Now, suddenly, the leftist cultural police are telling us, under the phony guise of an 'academic study,' that advising a subgroup most at risk and most suffering from obesity is racist simply because they are not white. Literally, by not advising black women who are mostly obese and have terrible outcomes about how to reverse the trend is akin to a death sentence for many of them. Left-wing 'academics' and 'health professionals' who refuse to do so because they think such advice is "racist" are guilty of scientific and medical malpractice. Sources include: