Texas group launches petition to BAN chemtrails
By bellecarter // 2023-01-24
The advocacy group Clean Skies Texas recently launched a signature campaign asking state representatives to pass laws that ban the dangerous atmospheric aerosol spraying commonly referred to as "chemtrails." "This is a petition to prohibit the continuation of aerosolized spraying without prior testing and the formalized approval of public representatives to ensure the safety of our families and our environment," the petition on ipetitions.com read. If this is granted, Texas will become the first state to outlaw the spraying of aerosolized particulate matter into the skies. "We, the undersigned, are concerned Texas citizens who demand our State Legislators pass legislation to protect our families, pets, crops, water, and the environment from any and all negative side effects of the county, state, federal, military, as well as any corporation, NGO or non-profit organization spraying of our sky," the petition included. According to the organization, the testing of "rainfall, groundwater, and soil indicates that some of the substances or particulates being sprayed are oxides of aluminum, barium and strontium." The petition pointed out that this greatly elevated exposure of all living things to aluminum oxide and other toxic metal compounds as well as other aerosolized substances or particulates that cause respiratory problems and other negative health conditions. "Humans, pets and wildlife are harmed; farm crops and soils damaged; forests are suffering and in many places dying; and water is polluted. Regardless of the justification used for this continuous ongoing spraying, it is extremely harmful to our health and our environment," it said. The petition specifically asked for legislation that would prohibit spraying until at least two independent bodies of scientists and researchers with no conflict of interest have completed adequate health and safety testing and concluded that the specific substance or particulate to be sprayed is safe and harmless. Moreover, the group called for public consent to spraying after full public disclosure regarding the particular substance or particulate to be sprayed, its test results and any applicable laws and procedures. Clean Skies Texas cited GeoEngineering Watch's extensive research on the effects of chemtrails on the environment and health, and provided evidence showing the federal government has procured numerous weather modification patents and produced research papers on "Weather and Climate Modification" since the 1960s.

Biden administration supports "climate intervention" plan

Meanwhile, the Biden administration announced back in October a five-year plan to research "climate intervention," specifically using geoengineering practices to combat climate change. (Related: White House now pursuing same sun-blocking geoengineering scheme that was called a "conspiracy theory" just two years ago.) Former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director John Brennan noted that the Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) is being employed as "a method of seeding the stratosphere with particles that can help reflect the sun's heat in much the same way that volcanic eruptions do." The idea behind the new sun-blocking scheme is to regulate the level of ultraviolet (UV) exposure on Earth. "An SAI program could limit global temperature increases, reducing some risks associated with higher temperatures and providing the world economy additional time to transition from fossil fuels. This process is also relatively inexpensive," Brennan said during a Council on Foreign Relations conference. But multimedia outlet Infowars pointed out that this just means "the strategic release of chemtrails in the atmosphere." Harvard University professor David Keith said the idea of blocking sunlight to stop global warming has been around since at least 1965. "It is just that today it is taken much more seriously than it was back then, probably because society continues to be dumbed down into an absolute idiocracy controlled by deranged climate cultists," he added. Geoengineering critics also warned that it could have unintended consequences that would have effects all over the globe because when you spray aerosols into the atmosphere, they are going to spread out. "Its effects would be felt everywhere, no matter where you initially sprayed it. This could lead to a butterfly effect of disastrous events," the Daily Beast reported. According to experts, temperatures that are too low could result in crop loss and changes in the atmosphere could intensify storms. Some studies even suggest that solar geoengineering could spread diseases. Visit GeoEngineering.news for more news about climate interventions. Watch the full-length documentary below that talks about the consequences of geoengineering. This video is from Alex Hammer's channel on Brighteon.com.

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Sources include:

NewsPunch.com iPetitions.com GeoEngineeringWatch NSF.gov InfoWars.com Brighteon.com