Twitter allowed pharmaceutical corporations to spread misinformation online to undermine competition
By ethanh // 2023-01-24
In order to maintain a total monopoly while stifling all competition, the pharmaceutical companies directly involved with the covid scamdemic bribed Twitter and other social media platforms to censor all criticism that threatened their bottom line. This is one of the revelations from the latest Twitter Files drop, which shows how the pharmaceutical industry lobbied tech companies to keep a lid on all conversations pertaining to generic covid vaccines. Prior to the launch of Operation Warp Speed, many were calling for patent-free vaccines, which would allow the poorest countries of the world to benefit just like the richest ones. Pfizer, BioNTech, and others saw this as a threat and called on Twitter to silence all such talk. "The push included direct pressure from Pfizer partner BioNTech to censor activists demanding low-cost generic vaccines for low-income countries," tweeted journalist Lee Fang, who shared highlights from the Twitter Files drop in a series of tweets. Had these efforts in support of a generic vaccine been successful, Pfizer, BioNTech, Moderna, and the others would not have raked in record profits from the sale of their patented injections – hence why they shelled out millions to silence free speech on social media. "This strategy included fending off efforts to water down strict intellectual property laws inhibiting the sharing of patents for coronavirus vaccines and treatments," added Allum Bokhari, writing for Breitbart News. (Related: Twitter's censorship of pharma critics is a worldwide phenomenon.)

Big Pharma petitioned Biden to SANCTION any country that tried to produce a generic, low-cost covid vaccine

The plan all along was for a handful of pharmaceutical giants to capitalize on the scamdemic, which they indeed did with Donald Trump and Joe Biden's help. The crisis, which was clearly manufactured, represented "an opportunity for unprecedented profit," Fang explained. "Behind closed doors, pharma launched a massive lobbying blitz to crush any effort to share patents / IP for new covid-related medicine, including therapeutics and vaccines." BioNTech specifically asked Twitter to censor all talk about generic, low-cost vaccines because the more people warmed up to the idea, the less likely it would be for the company to generate billions of dollars in ill-gotten profits. So, with the help of BIO, a lobbying group that represents the bio-pharmaceutical industry, BioNTech, along with Moderna and Pfizer, wrote a letter to the incoming Biden regime demanding that the United States government sanction any country that attempted to "violate patent rights and create generic low cost covid medicine or vaccines," Fang revealed. Twitter also played its part in all this by closely monitoring accounts calling for a generic, low-cost covid vaccine. While not every account discussing such matters was censored or removed, some of them were, including Zero Hedge, which was suspended entirely from the social media platform. "In addition to suppressing content that posed a threat to their dominance over coronavirus treatments, lobbyists for the pharma giants also spread exaggerated claims on Twitter about the costs of watering down intellectual property regulations related to treatment development," Bokhari further reported. "Twitter took no action to curtail this activity." Moderna and Pfizer even went so far as to compile a list of accounts and tweets that it wanted Twitter to silence and remove. The two vaccine corporations routinely emailed Twitter with requests for compliance, though it appears Twitter did not necessarily comply in all cases. More recently, Moderna has decided to jack up the price on its patented covid injection to $100 a pop, making it entirely unaffordable for the world's poorest countries. Want to keep up with the latest Twitter Files drops? You can do so at Sources for this article include: