DoD just gave another $3 million to EcoHealth Alliance, the group tied to Wuhan and gain-of-function research
By ethanh // 2023-01-27
Back in December while everyone was distracted with the holidays, the Department of Defense (DoD) awarded another $3 million to EcoHealth Alliance, the non-profit organization linked to the creation of covid in Wuhan, China. On December 12, the DoD handed over the cash under the guise of "reducing the threat of viral spillover from wildlife in the Philippines." As Americans suffer under the crippling weight of inflation, in other words, the United States government is sending their tax dollars to Far East Asia. The grant was awarded as part of a Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) program that aims to "support and stimulate basic, applied and advanced research at educational or research institutions, non-profit organizations, and commercial firms, which support the advancement of fundamental knowledge and understanding of the sciences with an emphasis on exploring new and innovative research for combating or countering Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)." Over a five-year period, the DTRA has spent anywhere from $100,000 to $1 million per year on such research, according to the System for Award Management (SAM). (Related: EcoHealth's former president says there's no evidence that covid "naturally emerged".)

How much more corruption will Americans tolerate before they say enough is enough?

Republican lawmakers have been going after EcoHealth ever since documents released in 2021 showed that the "global environmental health nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting wildlife and public health from the emergence of disease" was caught using grant money to tamper with bat coronaviruses in communist China. Between 2014 and 2019, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) gave EcoHealth more than $3 million to perform gain-of-function research on these bat coronaviruses. This includes a $666,422 grant for research into "Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence." According to Peter Daszak, EcoHealth's current president, the money was used to "investigate the ecology, evolutionary biology, and transmission dynamics of bat coronaviruses at the human-wildlife interface." "Specifically, we will conduct field studies in China to obtain high-quality samples from bats, and identify, characterize and isolate known and novel coronavirus," the grant proposal itself states. "We will analyze the patterns of coronavirus transmission among bats and other wildlife, and the risk of spillover to humans." EcoHealth has taken in quite a bit of cash from other government entities as well, including from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which up until recently was headed up by Tony Fauci. After it was determined that EcoHealth had failed to comply with eight different portions of a written agreement it entered into with the U.S. government about funding it sent to the Wuhan lab, the NIAID approved a five-year federal grant in 2022 amounting to $653,392. That grant expires in August 2027. "It is outrageous that the results of U.S. taxpayer-funded experiments are unavailable to the U.S. government, particularly when those experiments could shed light on the origins of a virus that has killed more than one million Americans," wrote several members of Congress in a Jan. 13, 2022, letter expressing "grave concerns" about these grants. "It is unconscionable that you would choose to continue to fund a company that has violated its NIH grant terms in a manner that helps to keep this valuable information from the U.S. government and American taxpayers." Fauci has repeatedly defended the grant money he sent to EcoHealth, claiming it was important and necessary to "determine what was out there in the bat population that might be ultimately risky for us." "It was done in the context of trying to find out what the precise environmental bat source was of SARS-CoV-2 so that we could prevent SARS-CoV-2," Fauci told Fox News in 2021. "So it was research that was done by qualified people." More related news can be found at Sources for this article include: