British Army unit SPIED on COVID-19 lockdown dissenters
By arseniotoledo // 2023-02-01
A shadowy propaganda unit of the British Army spied on people who were critical of the government's Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic lockdown policies. The offending unit of the British Army is the 77th Brigade's Counter Disinformation Unit, which specializes in psychological and information warfare. According to the statement of a whistleblower who spoke with the Daily Mail, this unit compiled dossiers on prominent public figures who voiced their dissenting views on COVID-19 policies. Their dissenting views were then reported back to former Prime Minister Boris Johnson's government. The information gathered during the illegal espionage operation was then used to craft the British government's responses to criticisms of different COVID-19 policies, including lockdown orders, and police being given the power to break up gatherings and issue fines for violating COVID-19 policies. "I entered this role believing I would be uncovering foreign information warfare," said the whistleblower. "Instead, I found the banner of disinformation was a guise under which the British military was being deployed to monitor and flag our own concerned citizens." The whistleblower further noted that there may have been actual social media campaigns from foreign governments like China to promote support for COVID-19 lockdown policies in places like the United Kingdom, but because most of the 77th Brigade's efforts were focused on monitoring sentiment toward the success of the lockdown, the unit probably missed its chance to detect it. "I had the impression the government was more interested in protecting the success of their policies than uncovering foreign interference, and I regret that I was a part of it," he concluded. "Frankly, the work I was doing should never have happened."

Outspoken critics targeted by British government

The British government's targets included journalists Peter Hitchens and Toby Young and Conservative Member of Parliament and former cabinet minister David Davis. These individuals figured prominently during the COVID-19 pandemic for their outspoken criticism of the government's policies online. "It is quite obvious that our activities resulted in the monitoring of the U.K. population … the social media posts of ordinary, scared people," said the whistleblower. "[These] posts did not contain information that was untrue or coordinated – it was simply fear." Davis, reacting to the revelation, called it "outrageous" that taxpayers' money was wasted keeping an eye on people using their rights and questioning the British government's policies. Hitchens responded by saying that the whistleblower's statement is just the tip of the iceberg of "what government agencies were up to during the closedown of the country." "We know they were at one stage interested in what I was up to, but I suspect there was a lot more than this that we will never find," he added. "To me, the most astonishing thing about the great COVID panic was how many attacks the state managed to make on basic freedoms without anyone much even caring." Silkie Carlo, director of Big Brother Watch, the organization responsible for uncovering the 77th Brigade's actions, noted that the government used the guise of "countering misinformation" as a plausible reason for the unit to conduct its political monitoring operations. She noted how this concept of so-called misinformation has been used as a means for the government to abuse its people and control narratives online. "Contrary to their stated aims, these government truth units are secretive and harmful to our democracy," she said. Davis and Hitchens noted that now is the time for the people of Britain to come together and demand a full accounting from the British government of the 77th Brigade's actions and to push back against any other attempts to expand the government's censorship and suppression apparatuses. Carlo went further and called for the 77th Brigade's Counter Disinformation Unit to be suspended immediately. Learn about more incidents of government espionage at Watch this clip from InfoWars as host Harrison Smith discusses the intricate ties between spy agencies and Big Tech companies. This video is from the InfoWars channel on

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