Dan Radiostyle: Project Veritas exposed Pfizer's plan to engineer new pandemic and rake in more money from vaccines
By kevinhughes // 2023-02-01
According to podcaster Dan Radiostyle, the recent expose by Project Veritas shed light on Pfizer's plans to create a new pandemic and generate billions of dollars in vaccine profits. The host of "On The Fringe" recounted the group's expose involving Pfizer Director of Research and Development Jordon Trishton Walker. The Big Pharma executive divulged to an undercover journalist that the New York-based drug firm is considering mutating the SARS-CoV-2 virus to produce new vaccine opportunities. Walker's disclosures recorded on video were published by Project Veritas on Jan. 26. (Related: Dr. Peter Breggin: More infectious COVID variants might be concocted in a lab – Brighteon.TV.) "Well, one of the things we're exploring is like, 'Why don't we just mutate it ourselves so we could focus on … preemptively [developing] new vaccines?' It was a thought that came up in a meeting and we were like, 'We're going to consider that with more discussions,'" Walker said. The Pfizer director ultimately cited an inherent risk with the proposal, saying that "no one wants to be having a pharma company mutating viruses."

Pfizer running experiments on living animals

Walker also shared that the most favorable option of mutating COVID-19 is through experiments on living animals. He told the undercover journalist that they were putting the virus in monkeys successfully, causing them to keep infecting each other. "We collect serial samples from them. The ones that are more infectious … we'll put them in another monkey. You just constantly, actively mutate it," Walker said. "But you have to be very controlled to make sure that this virus that you mutate doesn't create something [that] just goes everywhere – which I suspect is the way that the virus started in Wuhan, to be honest. It makes no sense that this virus just popped out of nowhere." Walker goes on to talk about "theoretical" experiments as if they are already unfolding within Pfizer. The executive was later confronted by Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe and his team, where he proceeded to freak out and assault the party. According to Radiostyle, Pfizer is literally talking about how they were infecting monkeys so the virus would change or mutate aside from forcing all the different sorts of mutations. "He basically said we are looking to make the virus ourselves to take COVID-19 change it into something that's really bad and we can sell a whole bunch more vaccines," he said. "But I think what he's implying, or the fear is that [what] Pfizer might be allegedly doing is what the story is suggesting – that they might very well be creating the next pandemic in order to make more billions of dollars on vaccines." Watch the full episode of "On The Fringe" where Dan Radiostyle touches on Project Veritas' expose about Jordon Trishton Walker below. This video is from the Dan Radiostyle channel on Brighteon.com.

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