Woke corporations shamed into donating eye-watering $83 BILLION to Black Lives Matter
By jdheyes // 2023-03-17
One of the biggest scandals in modern history has been perpetrated by a racist organization that, in 21st-century America, should never have been allowed to exist. A new funding database from the Claremont Institute has revealed that corporations have provided an astonishing $82.9 billion to the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement and related causes, Breitbart News reported this week. According to an article in Newsweek, the Claremont Institute's Center for the American Way of Life stated that their report on corporate funding of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement was necessary because the movement was not just about "rioting and destruction." “The BLM pressure campaigns, harassment, and moral blackmail also amounted to possibly the most lucrative shakedown of corporate America in its history," the center explained. “As a point of reference, $82.9 billion is more than the GDP of 46 African countries. In 2022, the Ford Motor Company’s profits were $23 billion,” the report noted. The sum of $82.9 million includes “more than $123 million to the BLM parent organizations directly,” as well as much more to other organizations that support BLM's agenda -- a group founded by self-described Marxists, proving again that the hard left is replete with hypocrites. Several popular corporations from various industries provided the BLM movement with significant funding, according to a new funding database from the Claremont Institute. The database reveals that Walmart donated $100 million to support BLM and related causes focusing on "racial equity," while Amazon gave $169.5 million. Silicon Valley Bank contributed $73.45 million to the movement as well, Breitbart News said. Other companies included pharmaceutical firm Abbvie, as well as Allstate, American Express, Apple, AT&T, and Nike. Airlines such as United Airlines, JetBlue, Southwest Airlines, and Delta Airlines also gave money to BLM and related causes. The movement received $18.25 million from Bank of America, $210 million from Wells Fargo, and $85 million from Deloitte. BlackRock, a leading asset management company, contributed a staggering $810 million towards BLM and its associated causes. Several other powerful financial institutions also provided financial backing to the movement, with Capital One Financial donating $10 million, Morgan Stanley donating $30 million, US Bank donating $160 million, and Goldman Sachs donating $10.1 million. Prudential Financial contributed $450 million to the BLM movement and its related causes, while Mastercard surpassed that amount with a staggering $500 million donation. The funding database also revealed that Boeing gave $15.6 million, Northrop Grumman gave $2 million, and Raytheon gave $25 million. In addition, The Walt Disney Company donated $8.8 million, while the Pokémon Company contributed $200,000, the institute found. The Claremont Institute’s Center for the American Way of Life also explained how the funds had been used. “The Global Network is investing tens of millions of dollars to support future operations, purchasing luxury real estate, engaging in nepotism, disbursing grants to dozens of BLM chapters and revolutionary organizations, and operating a PAC to elect progressive community leaders, activists, and working-class candidates fighting for Black liberation," the center noted. At the same time,  “Local BLM chapters are spending millions on activism and initiatives to defund police departments” while “BLM At School is indoctrinating children around the country in critical race theory and queer theory, teaching them to hate themselves, their peers, and their country.”

“Left-wing nonprofits are effecting wholescale societal change too radical for normal legislative avenues, constituting a form of shadow governance,” the organization's report went on to say.

The BLM agenda has extended to the financial industry’s loan operations. Banks are issuing billions of dollars in subprime loans to “end systemic racism” while “corporations are funding leftist bail funds that release violent rioters and criminals onto our streets and collaborating to create racialized, anti-meritocratic hiring schemes.”

The financial exploitation “may be viewed as a form of reparations made to self-declared enemies of the American nation and way of life,” the groups added.

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