Trump declares politicized left-wing Manhattan DA has already dropped 'hush money' case against him
By jdheyes // 2023-03-29
Donald Trump was born, raised, and built his business empire in New York City, but the metropolis turned against him when he successfully ran for president in 2016 because he's a conservative and the Big Apple is run by left-wing lunatics. In the years since, various officials have abused their offices trying to 'get' him for one thing or another, though none of them ever managed to do so -- because Trump doesn't follow the deep state script. The latest leftist to go after the former president is Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, whose campaign was financed by the king of leftists, billionaire George Soros. Only, Bragg now appears to be coming up short as well. Trump said on Saturday night during a 2024 presidential rally in Waco, Texas, that the Manhattan DA's office has dropped a criminal investigation into a hush money payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels after he previously claimed that he would be arrested within days. According to Trump, recent evidence left prosecutors with no choice but to abandon the probe, the UK's Daily Mail reported. As he traveled back from the first rally of his campaign, Trump appeared relaxed, with an open-necked shirt and a bottle of Diet Coke by his side. However, he grew angry at any suggestion that he found his recent days "frustrating," insisting that he had been enjoying himself. "I have no idea what's going to happen," he told reporters traveling with him aboard "Trump Force One," his private 757 airliner. "I think they've already dropped the case. From what I understand ... I think it's been dropped. But I believe that if anything ever happened with the case, it's a fake case." Earlier on Saturday, Trump told supporters that Bragg had "nothing" on him regarding the hush money payment made to porn star Stormy Daniels. Trump continued to deny that the $130,000 payment, made weeks before the October 2016 election, was a campaign finance violation. He also denies any involvement in a reported one-night stand with Daniels in 2006. Trump's recent claims about the dropping of the criminal probe and the lack of an arrest have marked a significant turnaround. Just a week ago, he had posted a message on social media, expecting to be arrested on Tuesday, and calling for his supporters to protest. However, the day came and went without any such development. Additionally, the grand jury hearing evidence did not sit on Wednesday or Thursday, leading to speculation that the case may be faltering. As such, Trump continued with his routine, heading to his West Palm Beach golf course and presenting a business-as-usual picture. Returning from the rally, with his aides claiming that he had addressed a crowd of 25,000 supporters, the former president dismissed the notion that the probe into his alleged hush money payment to Daniels had been a distraction. "I'm not frustrated by anything," he said. "I just did a speech for two hours. I'm not first frustrated to do that. I just had polls that came out where I'm 40 points ahead. See, this is what I hate about fake news." Still, Trump is facing an increasing legal risk from a number of criminal investigations, with the most immediate one related to a purported hush-money payment to Daniels during his 2016 presidential campaign. He was invited to testify before a grand jury in Manhattan, which suggests that the probe is nearing completion and could result in an indictment. Trump alleged that the hush money case against him was politically motivated, and he has used it to raise money. Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, who is a Democrat, said on Saturday that he thinks the case against Trump is also political. Meanwhile, Trump claimed that recent testimony from lawyer Robert Costello had cast doubt on one-time personal lawyer Michael Cohen's evidence that he made the payment and was then reimbursed by the former president. He added that a letter from Cohen's lawyer in 2018 stating that Cohen had not been reimbursed had destroyed the case against him. Sources include: