Check out the worst NYC criminals who were repeatedly released by Manhattan DA Bragg while he focused on indicting Trump
By ethanh // 2023-04-10
Just to give you an idea of how egregiously Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is miscarrying justice while he spends all his time trying to lock away President Donald Trump for alleged money crimes involving porn star Stormy Daniels, take a look at these criminals who committed actual felony crimes but were set free, in some cases repeatedly, by Bragg. As revealed by New York City Mayor Eric Adams back in August, these criminals committed nearly 500 crimes in the Big Apple – and a shocking 60 percent of them are still roaming free, thanks to Bragg's soft-on-crime approach for everyone other than Trump. One of the criminals is named Harold Gooding, 53, who has been arrested more than 70 separate times just for theft. He has also been taken into custody more than 100 times. "The 53-year-old already has 15 convictions to his name, as well as 14 failures to show in court following his prolific crime spree," reports the Daily Mail Online. "He has rocketed to number one on the NYPD's list for repeat offenders following his torrent of thefts ... He has more than 70 arrests just for theft alone." (Related: Check out this episode of "Lawfare with Tom Renz," which exposes Bragg's corrupt political witch hunt against Trump.)

Bragg's "woke" laws have made New York City streets more dangerous

Another criminal that Bragg let roam free because he is too busy going after Trump is 41-year-old Michelle Kelley, who confessed to authorities that she is a "professional booster." "Y'all are stopping my hustle," Kelley told police following her 97th arrest. Like Gooding, Kelley loves to rob Target stores around Manhattan, though she made sure to keep her crimes limited to petit larceny, which is a non-jailable offense thanks to the passage of a 2020 leniency law imposed by Bragg. "She was finally held on $5,000 bail after her 101st arrest for second-degree assault after she allegedly kicked, bit, scratched and spit on two NYPD officers on July 30 during an attempt to swipe paper towels from a Duane Reade in Harlem," reports explain. Thirty-year-old William Rolon is another criminal with a lengthy rap sheet about which Bragg could not care less. Rolon has been committing crimes in New York City for 30 years – and many of his were likewise dropped to petit larceny, thanks to Bragg's "woke" laws. "Career criminal William Rolon had 30 years of crimes under his belt when he decided to steal $2,000 worth of medication from a Duane Reade in January 2022," reports explain. "He allegedly filled a plastic garbage bag with medicine and other items inside a Lower East Side store. "A female manager approached the career criminal before she saw him brandish a pocket knife. He was charged with first-degree robbery and criminal weapons possession but had the robbery charge dropped to two counts of petit larceny, a misdemeanor." James Pringle, another prominent NYC criminal, has been arrested a total of 167 times, as of this writing. One of the Big Apple's most prolific criminals, Pringle has joked in the past that, thanks to Bragg's woke laws, he has been able to amass "frequent flier miles" with all of his repeated crimes. Back in February 2022, a judge stated that "it would take me all day to go through this rap sheet," referring to Pringle's ongoing crime sprees that will only continue to pile up because Bragg is too busy trying to throw Trump in jail. Then there is Rodney Johnson, who has been arrested 90 times and gone to prison twice, only to just last week be let out on bail for $1. Again, all police resources must be spent on getting Trump in the slammer. The latest news about the political witch hunt against Trump can be found at Sources for this article include: