Fauci CONFIRMS gain-of-function research conducted on pathogen blamed for COVID-19 pandemic
By bellecarter // 2023-03-26
Infectious diseases expert Dr. Anthony Fauci has confirmed that gain-of-function research was indeed performed on pathogen behind the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The former National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director made the confirmation during the March 21 edition of "American Masters" on PBS. "How are you going to know whether or not they're capable of infecting humans unless you examine them? Which means doing something under certain circumstances that make a pathogen more transmissible or more pathogenic, which some people refer to as gain of function," Fauci explained (Related: Rep. Jim Jordan: Fauci prioritized gain-of-function research, concealed real origin of COVID-19.) However, Fauci was adamant that the gain-of-function research behind COVID-19 did not happen at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China. The infectious disease expert also denounced Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) for "insidiously" questioning the work done at the WIV. "They've looked at various grants and they make something of it that it isn't," Fauci said. "The microbe [the WIV was] working on, not only was not SARS-CoV-2, it would be molecularly impossible for them to turn it into SARS-CoV-2."

Fauci, Bowser rebuked while touring DC neighborhood

A section of "American Masters" showed Fauci and Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser visiting the neighborhood of Anacostia in June 2021. The two officials went house to house in the neighborhood to encourage residents to get the COVID-19 vaccine. In a voice-over recorded prior to the visit, Fauci explained that Anacostia is a historically marginalized Black area with low determinants of health, poor access to care and high rates of COVID-19 cases and vaccine hesitancy as a result. "They're sort of the disenfranchised group that we've got to reach out to," he said. While some of the locals warmly received Fauci and Bowser, some had hesitations with getting vaccinated and peppered them with questions. But one man unloaded on both officials. "The people in America are not settled with the information that's been given to us right now," the Anacostia resident pointed out, alleging that the the number of COVID-19 deaths is manipulated by the federal government. "It's about inciting fear in people. You attack people with fear. That's what this pandemic is – fear." Fauci and his party eventually left, failing to convince the man to get the COVID-19 vaccine. The man explained that he would not take in "vaccines that were developed in a short span of time." Michael Kantor, executive producer of the "American Masters," said: "Dr. Fauci is a very controversial figure, and there are going to be people who are going to voice – just as in the film – great displeasure about what he's done and about his approach to things. But isn't that the whole point of public media? It is intended to make that conversation happen in the best possible way." Not when there is censorship. But that's another story. Visit FauciTruth.com for more stories about the infectious disease expert and erstwhile government official. Watch the exchange between the Anacostia resident and Fauci's group below. This video is from The Prisoner channel on Brighteon.com.

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