Evidence mounts that DA Bragg's indictment of Trump is pure political persecution
By jdheyes // 2023-04-04
Increasing evidence is emerging to support the long-standing claim of "political persecution" of former President Donald J. Trump. Cyber investigators and Team Trump have started to reveal information that connects staff from the New York District Attorney's office to left-wing social media activism and consulting work with prominent Democrats in the real world, according to The National Pulse. For a while now, the 45th President of the United States has been claiming that the charges leveled against him by the New York District Attorney's office are politically motivated, lacking any substantial legal basis. The National Pulse has now reported on the connections between far-left activism and at least two senior staff members involved in the case. The recent revelation further strengthens the previously established ties between progressive billionaire George Soros and the District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, who received funding of up to a million dollars from Soros before his election. And, in response to reports of their far-left connections, some staff members of the District Attorney's office have been deleting their social media profiles. The Wuhan Clan, a Twitter investigator, has exposed the initial significant case concerning Jordan Stockdale, who holds the top-ranking position of Chief of Staff in Alvin Bragg's office, second only to the District Attorney himself, the report noted. An online account allegedly belonging to Stockdale has a record of 'liking' posts that demand Donald Trump's impeachment and disqualification from running for any office. This conduct is notable because Bragg and his team have maintained that the investigation was conducted in an "impartial" manner, the outlet's report continued. A thread that has gone viral displays tweets from notable figures such as Bernie Sanders and former Obama staffer Michael Blake, demanding that Trump not only be impeached but also be disqualified "from EVER being able to run for office again." The tweets seem to have been approved by the account '@JMichaelStock,' which is associated with Stockdale and was quickly removed. However, a cached version from Google strongly implies that it belonged to the Bragg staffer. Over the years, the handle has been mentioned several times as Stockdale's, and it is similar to the handle of an Instagram account - which has also been deleted - that seems to have belonged to him, The National Pulse continued. But that's not all. The daughter of New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan, the judge presiding over Donald J. Trump’s indictment in New York appears to have actually worked on Vice President Kamala Harris’s Presidential Campaign just three years ago. "Loren Merchan was considered a 2020 Campaign and Elections ‘Rising Star’. Her party affiliation is listed as ‘Democrat’, and a biography on the website reads, 'In addition to doing ground-breaking, historical work for clients like Jon tester, Kamala Harris, Adam Schiff, and others, Authentic Campaigns is setting new industry standards through its commitment to diversity, transparent compensation employee benefits, and more,'" The National Pulse reported. Her LinkedIn profile, which has since been removed, showed that she served as the Director of Digital Persuasion for 'Kamala Harris for the People,' the Vice President's 2020 presidential campaign. Reports surfaced on Tuesday regarding her role in Harris's campaign, and Judge Juan Merchan, who presides over the Trump indictment case, has been identified as a "lifelong Democrat," which is evidently a shared political perspective with his daughter. Anyone who seriously believes this case against Trump in Manhattan is real and not just a political prosecution is part of why our justice system doesn't work anymore. Sources include: TheNationalPulse.com ThePostMillennial.com