Just 18% of voters in Berlin supported failed 2030 climate neutrality referendum
By ethanh // 2023-04-04
Despite spending more than a million euros on city-wide advertisements and other propaganda, left-wing extremists in Berlin were unable to gain the support they needed to pass a global warming bill called "Berlin Climate Neutrality by 2030." We are told that the "yes" side of the referendum fell hugely short of the 608,000 in quorum votes needed to pass the climate change measure. Just 18 percent of Berlin's eligible voters, or 442,210 votes, were cast in favor of the bill, which climate activists were sure would pass. This latest failure by the "green" cabal to force more climate extremism down the public's throats represents a serious blow to the "Fridays for Future" and "Last Generation" movement in Germany. It is expected to take months for the movement to recover – if it ever recovers – from this serious setback. (Related: Last fall, Reuters ran a piece calling for worldwide depopulation to achieve "climate justice.")

Berlin's failing "green" movement led by "rich, upper-class youths" with little else to do

It turns out that the initiative in Berlin to make the city "climate neutral" by the year 2030 was led not by ordinary Germans but by "rich, upper-class youths" such as Luisa "Longhaul" Neubauer. These wealthy, silver spoon brats have had all the time in the world to glue themselves to street pavement or block traffic in an attempt to turn their city more "green." Average folk are too busy working and trying to survive to play these foolish games, but Neubauer and her comrades thought they could convince most Berliners to support the cause. As we can now see, this was a major miscalculation on their part as to the lack of public support for climate insanity. Neubauer was furious about the referendum's failure, having lobbed cynical accusations against the majority in Berlin that stood against her little pet project. She was so upset, in fact, that she started calling uncooperative Berliners names like "fossil cynics" and "climate destroyers." "There are forces in this city that are doing everything to get the last spark of climate destruction out," Neubauer added in a sour statement, adding that the failure of her pet project is troublesome for "democracy." Social Democrat Dario Schramm, another member of the climate brigade, cried all over social media over the failure of the referendum. Germany's Pleiteticker commented on this by stating that it is hardly surprising that the referendum failed, seeing as how those pushing it have been "spreading their ideas of good politics for years in a self-righteous, arrogant and sometimes aggressive manner." "They, mostly members of the upper middle class, have declared war on the lower and lower middle class with their destructive climate measures," the outlet further reported. "Outside the Berlin political bubble and the other urban feel-good oases of Germany, the Neubauers of this world never possessed much support. And now the bubble has finally burst. In the Marzahn, Köpenick and Lichtenberg districts, the majority of voters voted against the referendum. The normal working population of Berlin decided against the journalistic and political elite." One would think that the green fanatics might recoil and reconsider their unpopular viewpoints, and perhaps back off for good on trying to convince others to adopt them. Sadly for the general public, the greenies lack any kind of self-awareness and are sure to be back on the streets of Berlin harassing people in no time. "The self-righteous warmists couldn't care less whether 82% or even 99% don't support them," wrote one commenter about the matter. "They know what's good for us and they will keep ploughing on because they are, at their core, totalitarians. And they seem to control the levers of power." The latest news about the collapsing "green" movement can be found at GreenTyranny.news. Sources for this article include: NoTrickZone.com NaturalNews.com