CLIMATE INSANITY: UK cows to be given methane suppressants in bizarre effort to achieve lower emissions
By bellecarter // 2023-04-07
The United Kingdom has ordered farmers to give their cows methane suppressants to reduce their emissions, which is part of the country's "climate change" goals for 2023. These methane blockers come in the form of food additives in compound feeds, according to the Daily Mail. The additives contain seaweed, organic acids, probiotics, antimicrobials and essential oils that would reduce the amount of gas produced during digestion – which is expelled in the form of farts and burps. Downing Street's March 2023 report titled "Powering Up Britain: the Net Zero Growth Plan" expounded on these additives. It stated that the British government "will explore the role of industry and government to maximize uptake of such products for suitable cattle farm systems at pace, through a phased approach. This will include the ambition to mandate the introduction of products with proven safety and efficacy in compound feeds for cattle as soon as practically possible in England." According to the plan, the bovine supplements could be introduced at a pace from 2025 or as soon as possible to meet the nation's commitment to the Global Methane Pledge, which is to reduce emissions by 20 percent by 2030. Green Alliance Policy Director Dustin Benson told the the Telegraph that suppressants could eventually be given to sheep as well. The former advisor to the National Food Strategy of the U.K. Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs said while this is a good start, further action would be needed to reduce the impact on livestock. Vicki Hird of Sustain, an alliance of organizations that promote better food and farming, expressed skepticism of the methane blocker plan. She commented: "Governments and industry love their techno-fixes like cattle feed methane suppressants and these may help a bit. But they won't fix the major harms associated with our huge livestock fixation, from rainforest clearance for feeds and pasture to U.K. river pollution and harm to wildlife, all of which inhibit action on climate, too." Climate alarmists believe that cows are a big contributor to climate change, with farm animals producing around 14 percent of emissions from human activity worldwide. However, yielding to the climate agenda by means of these methane-reducing cow feed additives comes with a literally huge price – more expensive farming. This essentially translates to higher food prices that customers are forced to live with.

Net zero policy bound to fail

Analysts have been denouncing the British government since the net zero strategy's release, blasting Downing Street for its tendency to rely on "unproven technologies to pursue its climate goals." A group of 700 scientists slammed the plan for its emphasis on carbon capture and storage, which they said was "yet to be proved at scale." (Related: There is no climate emergency: Around 1,500 scientists and professionals oppose net-zero CO2 policy.) In spite of its aggressive push to suppress cow farts and burps under the net zero policy, the British government somehow admitted that these strategies will not hit its legally enforceable emissions reductions targets overall. Downing Street calculations showed that the zero emissions policy would only deliver 92 percent of the emission reductions needed to meet the U.K.'s 2030 goal, rising to 97 percent in 2037, which should be a key milestone on the path to net zero by 2050. In a supporting document to the net zero plan, the government said there was "a judgment to be made whether the policies identified at this stage are sufficient" to meet the so-called sixth carbon budget, which is in reference to the U.K.'s permitted emissions between 2033 and 2037. Analysts are also saying that incoherent thinking casts serious doubt on the U.K.'s ability to retain its position as a world leader in renewable energy. Tom Burke, the co-founder of the climate think-tank E3G, said: "It's actually really bad. The incoherence is really transparent." Visit for more stories about moves to reduce cows' methane emissions in the name of "climate change." Watch this video about the British government's mandate for farmers to give their cows methane suppressants. This video is from Alex Hammer's channel on

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