Washington state Democrats pass bill allowing shelters to take in runaway children seeking abortions, sex changes without telling parents
By jdheyes // 2023-04-17
If it wasn't already crystal clear that Democrats are the deviant party who have suddenly pivoted to grooming and sexualizing children while at the same time separating them from their parents, a new bill passed by these lunatics in Washington state should convince you. A new law has been passed by Democrats in Washington state that permits shelters which provide refuge to runaway children to not inform parents if the child seeks gender reassignment procedures or an abortion, The Daily Wire reported. The Democrat-controlled House voted 57-39 on Wednesday to pass the bill, which could soon be sent to the desk of Democratic Governor Jay Inslee after previously being approved by the state Senate. However, before the bill can proceed, the state Senate must vote on an amendment that was added by the House, the report continued. The newly passed bill adds language to Washington state law, stating that if a minor is seeking or receiving "protected health care services," which includes "gender-affirming care" and "reproductive health care," it may be considered a "compelling reason" for shelters to not inform the child's parents. Instead, they would notify the Washington Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF). An amendment made in the House grants the DCYF the discretion to decide whether or not to contact the parents of the runaway child. “Therefore, the legislature intends to remove barriers to accessing temporary, licensed shelter accommodations for youth seeking certain protected health care services,” the bill says. In short, Washington lunatic Democrats have legalized state-sanctioned kidnapping at the altar of their trans- and abortion religion. This insane piece of legislation was sponsored by state Sen. Marko Liias, a Democrat who represents an area north of Seattle and is co-chair of the LGBTQ caucus (yes, apparently there are enough LGBTQ lawmakers in the Washington legislature to warrant a 'caucus'). “This legislation ensures that our trans youth have safe options and access to secure, stable shelter when they may not be welcome at home,” Liias claimed. No, it ensures that the authoritarian left successfully drives another wedge between parents and their children. The state House Republicans, who unanimously voted against the bill, argued that it constitutes a significant encroachment on parental rights. “These are pre-political rights upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court multiple times. The due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment secures the rights this bill seeks to eliminate. The state has no legitimate authority to get between moms and dads – who are providing a safe home – and their children. Period,” noted Rep. Travis Couture (R-Allyn). Meanwhile, Rep. Jim Walsh, a Republican from Aberdeen, correctly described the bill was an “attack on parents’ rights and families.” “Among its many flaws, the bill assumes families that don’t ‘affirm’ a child’s short-term desires are being abusive. Wrong! Sometimes love requires parents to not affirm their child’s whims. Loving parents guide their children as they grow. Sometimes that means saying ‘no,’” he said. Similar to other blue states, Democrats in Washington have persisted in their efforts to codify the accessibility of gender reassignment surgeries and abortion into law, in contrast to Republicans in other states who have taken steps to prohibit such life-changing procedures for minors. If you are a parent who lives in Washington state, regardless of your political affiliation, and you are against this kind of state-controlled intrusion into the lives of your family members, you have two choices: Vote these lunatics out of office or move. Sources include: DailyWire.com Gender.news