David DuByne: US gov't accelerated collapse of financial institutions to introduce CBDCs – Brighteon.TV
By bellecarter // 2023-04-25
"Adapt 2030" host David DuByne has denounced the U.S. government for pushing central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) that it previously deemed "unthinkable." During the April 14 edition of his program on Brighteon.TV, he slammed Washington for accelerating the collapse of financial institutions to introduce CBDCs. "This is a track-and-trace digital ID that puts a social credit score in play. Now, why would they do that? Well, they need to track you and your resources and the destruction that's going to accompany these natural as well as man-made economic collapses. They're going to want to know who's alive at the end of it," DuByne said. In particular, he zoomed in on the Improving Digital Identity Act that the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee passed in an 11-1 vote. If it becomes law, an interagency task force to support "reliable, interoperable digital identity verification in the public and private sectors" may be established. "I cannot believe with a straight face that those in our elected bodies had voted to track every American via the passing of the digital identity bill," DuByne commented. "Now it is going to head off to the Senate, it's going to go through the floor." The "Adapt 2030" host also mentioned that the Digital Currency Monetary Authority (DCMA) unveiled the concept of the universal monetary unit (UMU). The UMU is essentially an international version of a CBDC that can be used for transactions in any nation recognizing it. (Related: IMF unleashes Unicoin, a new global CBDC intended to enslave the entire planet under a one-world digital currency.) DuByne stressed that the World Bank, Bank for International Settlements and the International Monetary Fund are at the forefront as CBDCs or UMUs are coming in. A few years ago, he noted that people were told central banks were not working on anything digital and that physical cash would be here to stay. He said they were even labeled conspiracy theorists for hinting at CBDCs allowing the government to track people with digital identities and put in social credit scores.

Globalist bankers take advantage of fear caused by natural phenomena to take control of financial system

According to DuByne, globalist bankers will take advantage of fear caused by natural phenomena to gain full control of the financial system. He mentioned planetary alignments coming up in 2024 that involve the very strange behavior of Earth's crust. Aside from these, he also predicted anomalies such as meteor showers and ultraviolet B radiation hitting the ground. "These money bankers are riding on top of the fear. People are going to be scared. Crops are going to stop growing in the southern hemisphere, things are going to get toasted with the radiation, and got boatloads everywhere. Hailstones will comedown. That kind of world awaits us just now. It's beginning," said DuByne. The "Adapt 2030" host recounted how people cowered in fear at the height of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. "See what has happened over these last two to three years during COVID time when you were told there were shortages of information," DuByne said. "That was a redistribution of supply chains to send continuity of government supplies into their last locations for their last years of preparation. We've reached that point. Now the chaos begins, so they can make their speedy escape." Follow CurrencyReset.news for more about the rise of CBDCs. Watch the full April 14 episode of "Adapt 2030" with David DuByne below. Catch new episodes of the program every Friday at 2-3 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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Engineered financial coup designed to trigger currency crash and usher in CBDC. Ron DeSantis to introduce legislation in Florida prohibiting the use of CBDCs in the state. Adapt 2030: David DuByne says America's banking crisis is accelerating the rise of CBDCs – Brighteon.TV. State legislatures are sneakily introducing amendments to laws that would pave the way for CBDC domination. Sources include: Brighteon.com GlobalGovernmentForum.com Pymnts.com