DIRTY SHOTS: Researchers raise concerns about high levels of bacterial DNA found in mRNA COVID vaccines
By lauraharris // 2023-05-09
Researchers have raised concerns about the "alarmingly high" concentrations of bacterial DNA in the mRNA Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna. Dr. Kevin McKernan, a leading expert in sequencing methods for DNA and RNA, first shined a light on this issue. Canadian physician and medical researcher Dr. Mark Trozzi expounded on McKernan's findings in an interview with the New American. He told the magazine's senior editor Veronika Kyrylenko that any traces of bacterial plasmids, including that from the Escherichia coli bacteria, should have been filtered out in the final batches of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. However, Trozzi pointed out that this filtration wasn't done. He emphasized that the contamination risks integrating bacterial plasmid DNA into E. coli bacteria entering the intestinal microbiome. This could result in ongoing spike protein production, triggering autoimmune reactions in the vaccinated and raising concerns about the potential shedding of the spike protein when breathing. The highly persistent bacterial plasmids may explain why vaccinated individuals produce the spike protein for prolonged periods. The spike protein has been demonstrated to be a potent toxin associated with various conditions, including chronic inflammation, autoimmune-like responses and blood clotting. Additionally, the integration of bacterial DNA with human chromosomes can alter genetic information and potentially lead to malignant diseases. "We're at the crime scene and there's hope for accountability," Trozzi told Kyrylenko during his interview.

Spike protein reprograms immune system in a strange way

The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein – particularly the one in Pfizer's BNT162b2 vaccine – reprograms adaptive and innate immune responses as it penetrates the blood-brain barrier and cell nucleus, according to the Daily Expose. The spike protein even affects DNA replication, added the outlet. "The worst part of this is that COVID-19 infection usually goes away in a week," the Expose wrote. "But spike production in [the vaccinated] continues for 60 days, exposing [them] to much more spike protein damage." Moreover, new evidence suggests that the immune system response of vaccinated individuals may not be as broad and effective as previously thought. Surveillance data from the U.K. Health Security Agency indicates that individuals vaccinated and subsequently infected with COVID-19 have lower levels of N antibodies produced against the virus's nucleocapsid protein. This lack of N antibodies may leave vaccinated individuals vulnerable to any mutations of the COVID-19 virus that occur in the future. In contrast, unvaccinated individuals contracting COVID-19 and recovering from it can produce both S and N antibodies, which may provide better immunity to mutations. America's Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) issued two warnings about the COVID-19 shot. "First, these vaccines' mis-train the immune system to recognize only a small part of the virus [the spike protein]. Variants that differ, even slightly, in this protein can escape the narrow spectrum of antibodies created by the vaccines," AFLDS noted. "Second, the vaccines create 'vaccine addicts,' meaning persons become dependent upon regular booster shots because they have been 'vaccinated' only against a tiny portion of a mutating virus." Visit BadMedicine.news for more stories about the "dirty" COVID-19 vaccines. Watch the Health Ranger Mike Adams and Dr. Peter McCullough explain how the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine bioweapons turn the body into a walking spike protein factory. This video is from the Perfect Society channel on Brighteon.com.

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Sources include:  TheNewAmerican.com Expose-News.com Brighteon.com