RFK Jr. commits to making America an EXEMPLARY DEMOCRACY again in 2024 presidential bid
By bellecarter // 2023-05-09
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has committed to make the U.S. an "exemplary democracy" once more as he vies for the presidency in the upcoming 2024 elections. The founder of the health freedom group Children's Health Defense (CHD) announced his intent to grab the Democratic Party's presidential nomination from the incumbent President Joe Biden. Kennedy slammed Biden, who is gunning for re-election at age 80, as a "Deep State" president. The nephew of former President John F. Kennedy highlighted several issues as part of his campaign agenda. He reiterated plans to "close 800 U.S. overseas bases and bring American troops home immediately in order to make America an exemplary democracy again." The CHD founder, whose father and uncle were both Democrats, expressed belief that the Democratic Party has lost its identity. Renee Parsons, a staffer at the House of Representatives, described the CHD founder's announcement as a fitting response to the incumbent Democrats and their handlers. She pointed out that he is "an exceptional presidential primary challenger emerging from the prestigious political Kennedy clan." "He is genetically opposed to the malicious agenda espoused by Biden and its authoritarian elite," she wrote. Parsons also mentioned how Kennedy called for an end to the "corrupt merger of corporate and state power." Moreover, the health freedom advocate denounced the "corporate kleptocracy as a cushy socialism for the rich" and a "brutal merciless capitalism for the poor." (Related: TruNews: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s presidential bid a BIG THREAT to the Deep State.) The younger Kennedy has publicly lambasted infectious disease expert and former White House Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci on his response to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). He even wrote a book about the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases titled "The Real Anthony Fauci." During the COVID-19 pandemic, Kennedy emerged as one of the leading advocates of health freedom by challenging vaccine mandates. This came despite the denouncement of his work as "misleading and dangerous" by both public health experts and members of his own family.

Biden seeking re-election despite advanced age and low popularity

In Parson's view, Kennedy's work is by no means misleading. She explained: "He is more knowledgeable than any other candidate with regard to all the implications of the pandemic and its mandated minutiae of masks, distance, shutdowns, vaccinations, impacts on American culture and health of its children." Prior to his announcement, Kennedy spoke before an audience at Hillsdale College in Michigan – the only college in the U.S. that did not shut down during the COVID-19 pandemic. He left three nuggets of wisdom for the audience:
  • Any power that government takes from the people, it will never return voluntarily;
  • Every power that government takes will ultimately be abused to the maximum extent possible; and
  • Nobody ever complied with their way out of totalitarianism – the only thing people can do is resist.
Parsons also blasted Biden for having the audacity to run for a second term despite his advanced age and low popularity. She mentioned that almost 70 percent of the U.S. does not approve of the incumbent president having a second term after he mishandled the economic situation. According to an April 2023 CIVIQS poll, 67 percent of Americans said Biden's America is heading in the wrong direction compared to just 22 percent saying it is going in the right direction. Moreover, 59 percent said the nation’s economy is getting worse – more than three times the 18 percent that said it is getting better. VoteDemocrat.news has more stories on Kennedy's 2024 presidential election bid. Watch Rick Wiles and Doc Burkhart of TruNews discuss how Kennedy's 2024 presidential run seeks to destroy the Deep State. This video is from the TruNews channel on Brighteon.com.

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