"Beijing hid the truth:" Marco Rubio publishes covid report
By ethanh // 2023-05-19
The reason why the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) appeared out of nowhere and destroyed the world is because of "a serious biosafety incident" that occurred in China. This is the claim of Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, a Republican, who compiled a report about it that was just released publicly. Rubio's study, which took two years to put together, includes a plethora of documenting material, including vast translations of source material that was originally published in Chinese. In a nutshell, the communist regime knew the truth about covid but kept it a secret. In its quest to make aggressive advancements in its bioweapons research, Beijing ignored numerous safety shortcomings at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), which were known about since as early as July 2019. After covid escaped the lab, Rubio's report claims, China launched a "cover-up" to keep it under wraps. (Related: Remember when Rubio, a prohibition pusher, was caught profiting from the for-profit prison industry?)

Three months before China acknowledged the existence of covid, the communist regime had already begun developing a "vaccine" for it

The idea that the Fauci Flu accidentally leaked from the WIV has repeatedly been decried by Democrats and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) as a wild conspiracy theory without any basis in truth. Rubio's report suggests otherwise. As early as February 2020, China launched a comprehensive plan to strengthen the biosafety measures at the WIV, which is China's only known level-4 biosafety lab, this being the highest and most secure classification for a biolab. "Just as Beijing was denying the possibility that COVID-19 came from a lab on the world stage, it was warning its own officials of such risks and rolling out new measures to prevent lab accidents," reads a document authored by the ranking member of the Senate Intelligence Committee. Furthermore, the communist regime downplayed the threat of covid early on, taking steps to hide its origin while unleashing wild conspiracy theories claiming that covid emerged from tainted bat soup at a Wuhan wet market. Also in February 2020, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) filed a patent for a covid "vaccine," work for which began four months earlier in November 2019, Rubio's report alleges. It took until January 2020, three months after China began work on said "vaccine," for the communist regime to alert the World Health Organization (WHO) about an outbreak "of unknown etiology." "The implications are impossible to ignore," Rubio said in a statement. "Beijing hid the truth. This report reinforces the need to hold the Chinese Communist Party accountable." The administrations of both Donald Trump and Joe Biden have expressed frustrations with China's lack of transparency. Biden, as you may recall, ordered the director of national intelligence (DNI) to conduct a 90-day inquiry into the origins of covid. In August 2021, the DNI released its findings, concluding that "a more definitive explanation" of covid's origins would "most likely" not be possible without some kind of cooperation from China. Both the Biden regime and the WHO have repeatedly asked China to share health data from the early days of the so-called "pandemic" as part of their ongoing investigations into the matter. At one point, the Chinese Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CCDC) did upload some data to the global virus database about covid samples that were supposedly collected at a Wuhan wet market located near the WIV. Said data was deleted not long after it was uploaded. A classified report from the Department of Energy (DOE), which oversees the operation of numerous biological research laboratories controlled by the United States, later concluded "with low confidence" that covid more than likely came from the Wuhan lab at the WIV. The latest news about the Chinese Virus can be found at Plague.info. Sources for this article include: WND.com NaturalNews.com