House Republicans to hold FBI Director Wray in contempt for refusing to hand over documents that could prove a criminal scheme involving Biden
By arseniotoledo // 2023-05-31
Republicans in the House of Representatives are planning to hold Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director Christopher Wray in contempt of Congress for his agency's refusal to comply with a subpoena to turn over documents that could prove a criminal scheme involving President Joe Biden. House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. James Comer of Kentucky discussed taking the first steps to hold Wray in contempt after he and the FBI missed the deadline to turn over an internal unclassified FD-1023 form and accompanying attachments and documents that allegedly detail an "arrangement" for an exchange of money for policy decisions between an unknown foreign national and then-Vice President Biden. (Related: Biden crime family profited from influence peddling, received $10 million from China and other countries.) House Republicans issued the subpoena for the document on May 4 after the document's existence was first brought to their attention by a whistleblower. They later narrowed the breadth of the subpoena a week before the deadline, providing additional terms that may be referenced in the record. The FBI in response notified the panel on multiple occasions that it would not provide the document to the committee, with the bureau claiming that it needed to protect its confidential human source program. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy elevated Comer's call to move forward and hold Wray in contempt, saying in an interview that he had personally called Wray to release the documents to Congress. "If he does not act, he's not above the law," he said. "He's not above Congress, and we will hold him in contempt." A concept of Congress charge would require a full committee vote, followed by a vote on the House floor. If this second vote succeeds, it then falls on the Department of Justice to decide whether to prosecute Wray.

FBI stiff-arming Congress to protect Biden

In response to the FBI's refusal to release the document, Comer said in a statement that the bureau's decision to "stiff-arm Congress" and hide crucial information from the American people is "obstructionist and unacceptable." "Today, the FBI informed the Committee that it will not provide the unclassified documents subpoenaed by the Committee," said Comer. He noted that he has a call scheduled with Wray for Wednesday, May 31, to discuss the matter further. "The Committee has been clear in its intent to protect Congressional oversight authorities and will now be taking steps to hold the FBI director in contempt of Congress for refusing to comply with a lawful subpoena," he added. "Americans deserve the truth, and the Oversight Committee will continue to demand transparency from this nation's chief law enforcement agency." In response, the FBI claimed in a statement that it remains committed to cooperating with Congress in "good faith" and that any discussion of possibly escalating the situation between the Oversight Committee and the FBI director "under these circumstances is unnecessary." The FBI claimed it offered to give the committee access to the information sought by Congress in its subpoena in a way that "maintains confidentiality and protects important security interests and the integrity of FBI investigations." The bureau called this offer "an extraordinary accommodation." Democrats and the White House have also come to the FBI's defense. House Oversight Committee Ranking Member Jamie Raskin, a Democrat from Maryland, claimed that the subpoenaed document reveals nothing but more "unverified and unsubstantiated" claims and provides "no evidence of criminal wrongdoing." The White House claimed that the subpoena effort is more evidence that House Republicans continue to lob "unfounded, unproven and politically motivated attacks" against Biden and his family "without offering evidence for their claims or evidence of decisions influenced by anything other than U.S. interests." Learn more about the criminal activities of Biden and his family at Watch this video from "Just The News No Noise" on Real America's Voice as co-hosts John Solomon and Amanda Head interview Republican Rep. Scott Perry of Pennsylvania about the need to force Wray to comply with Congress' investigation. This video is from the Galactic Storm channel on

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