Leading GOP senator blasts media for ignoring evidence that Hunter Biden paid for trafficked prostitutes
By jdheyes // 2023-05-15
A leading Republican senator who has been investigating and documenting various alleged crimes involving the Biden family voiced his frustrations this week that some of the most recent findings that appear to indicate Hunter Biden was engaged in "sex trafficking" has been all but ignored by most major media. During an interview on Tuesday, the Wisconsin Republican made a claim that his party possesses conclusive evidence indicating that Hunter paid substantial amounts of money to an international sex trafficking ring, using funds provided by his father, now-President Joe Biden. “Senator [Charles] Grassley [R-Iowa] and I, in our September 2020 report, laid out as much evidence as anybody would need to lay out that the Biden family is corrupt,” Johnson told Fox News. He went on to point out it was well-known “that President Biden would be highly compromised, but the corrupt media ignored it and censored it.” “One thing we don’t talk enough about. I know President Biden is so proud of his son. We have the evidence that Hunter Biden paid for — paid tens of thousands of dollars for prostitutes that were sex trafficked through an international sex trafficking ring," Johnson alleged. “And President Biden during a four or five month period offered to pay for $100,000 of Hunter Biden’s bills when he was spending tens of thousands of dollars on these women who were sex trafficked,” the GOP senator further claimed. “Now, that is, at a minimum, morally reprehensible and wrong. And the president is defending that, and the media isn’t even looking into it?” an exasperated Johnson asked. “It is grotesque, but the media doesn’t concentrate on it. We had that in our report. We had the financial transactions proving it. James Comer does the same thing. But it is so icky and reprehensible that people don’t want to talk about it,” Johnson further emphasized. “It is galling to hear the president talk about how proud he is of Hunter. He enables this. He enables it by propping up his son both in terms of those types of words as well as financially. It is really pretty sick,” the senator concluded. In a subsequent interview with the Fox Business Network, Johnson further predicted that the media would continue to ignore the story because they are leftist propagandists and the Bidens are Democrats. "Criminals try not to leave a paper trail of their crimes. Investigations take time and often only find the tip of an iceberg of evidence. But that tip can be quite incriminating. When criminals do email each other, they talk cryptically. For example: 10% for the 'Big Guy,'" Johnson said in a tweet containing a video clip of his interview. In another interview with The Washington Examiner, Johnson said that he fears the Department of Justice will allow Hunter Biden to engage in a plea agreement and have his case records sealed. “The Justice Department will do whatever it can get away with doing in terms of covering up for Hunter Biden or minimizing any charges,” the Wisconsin senator said. “I’ve been concerned about this, almost predicting it, for quite some time.” “Part of that plea agreement would be a seal of all records so that the American public will never know the full extent of what Hunter Biden and possibly Joe Biden did,” Johnson added. Sources include: Summit.news WashingtonExaminer.com