Right Now with Ann Vandersteel: Durham Report rebukes DOJ, FBI for launching Trump investigation without verified intelligence – Brighteon.TV
By bellecarter // 2023-05-24
The Durham Report released on May 15 concluded that the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had no verified intelligence when it opened the Crossfire Hurricane investigations on former President Donald Trump. Ann Vandersteel expounded on this issue during the May 16 episode of her program "Right Now with Ann Vandersteel" on Brighteon.TV. She said that the special counsel's more than 300-page report noted that the FBI and DOJ failed to follow their own standards and uphold strict fidelity to the law. Durham also chided the two agencies for allowing a probe to persist without basis under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), including the surveillance of an American citizen. According to Vandersteel, Durham described the government's targeting of Trump as a cultural rot and not merely the work of a "few bad apples." Col. John Mills, who also made numerous submissions to the Durham Report, was over the moon that the report's findings became known. (Related: Durham probe ends with another failed conviction as corrupt FBI now appears to be untouchable.) "This opens the door to many potential criminal and civil lawsuits," said Mills. He added that a letter by intelligence officials divulged that "there was a number of officials that used their positions although they were retired or out of government." These officials, according to Mills, used their former positions to hide and disrupt evidence and the investigative process. Vandersteel also touched on the impending retirement of Gen. Paul Nakasone, director of the National Security Agency and commander of the U.S. Cyber Command. "He's now retiring out of the blue," she pointed out before asking Mills if the move had something to do with the Durham Report. Mills answered in the affirmative, saying he wouldn't be surprised if that would be the real reason.

FBI whistleblower vindicated with release of Durham Report

FBI whistleblower Nate Cain, who contributed to the Durham Report, said he felt vindicated with the release of the findings. Cain first gained prominence after exposing Hillary Clinton's involvement in the Uranium One scheme, the 2012 Benghazi attack and her "illegal gun-running in North Africa and the Middle East." The whistleblower is now running for a congressional seat in West Virginia. "In some ways, I feel vindicated because a lot of people have tried to claim that there was no truth to it," he told Vandersteel. "And now, [Durham] goes into great detail, in fact, in more specificity than I was even comfortable going into because these documents were classified." He cited page 69 of the report, which touched on an FBI field office seeking FISA coverage on a non-U.S. person. Another agent said they had submitted an application to surveil an individual connected to the Clinton campaign. "It basically just lingered and sat there, and nothing happened," Cain recalled. "As per another agent, the application lingered because everyone was 'super more careful and scared' with the name Clinton involved." According to the whistleblower, the FBI decided that they were going to cover things up and not adjudicate because they believed that Clinton was going to be the next president. "This has been pointed out by Durham as an example of how they had a policy of essentially letting you know. Clinton [got] away with stuff and [the FBI didn't] interfere with her election. And yet, they didn't keep those same kinds of standards for Donald Trump. Right back, they went ahead and they opened up their investigation full-blown without a predicate into Crossfire Hurricane," he lamented. Visit FBICorruption.news for more stories about the Durham Report. Watch the full May 16 episode of "Right Now with Ann Vandersteel" featuring Col. John Mills and Nate Cain below. Catch new episodes of the program every weeknight at 8-8:30 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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