Minnesota offering free college tuition ONLY to illegal aliens – American citizens must still pay
By ethanh // 2023-06-06
The tens of thousands of illegal "migrants" who are pouring across the southern border day after day, week after week, can now apply for free college in the state of Minnesota under its so-called "North Star Promise" program. Illegal aliens who apply can have their entire tuition paid if they enroll in a two- or four-year program within either the University of Minnesota or Minnesota State education system, just so long as they make $80,000 a year or less. The only other caveat is that an illegal alien will have to have either graduated from a Minnesota high school or have lived in the state for a full year without being enrolled in college full-time. "We want to make sure that when we're expanding opportunities for everybody, we're doing it for all Minnesotans, regardless of background, regardless of their documentation status," said Democratic state Senate Higher Education Chair Omar Fateh. (Related: Fake president Joe Biden also wants to give illegal aliens free government health care, even as millions of legal American citizens struggle without it.)

Only in the globalist-controlled West are illegals treated better than native citizens

In order to qualify, illegal aliens seeking free college in Minnesota must also submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form, with the first availability for college enrollment under the program beginning in the 2024-2025 school year. The first year of providing free college for illegal aliens is expected to cost taxpayers $117 million, even though these same taxpayers' children cannot qualify for free education under the program because they are citizens and not illegals. "We've been seeing declining enrollment on all campuses," Fateh added about the North Star Promise legislation that is making this all possible. "If we don't do something quick, we're at risk of shutting down some campuses ... I see this bill as an enrollment driver." California has a similar program in place offering free education to illegals. A California Student Aid Commission report reveals that 14 percent of California's eligible illegal immigrants are taking advantage of the program. The Minnesota program is a follow-up to the recent expiration of Title 42, a Trump-era policy that was used to rid the country of migrants during the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "pandemic." Now that Title 42 has ended, the fresh influx of illegals will be hauled off to Minnesota to occupy the state's colleges and universities, all on the taxpayers' dime. In the comments, someone lamented that in the course of just six months, Minnesota has become "the most radical state in the U.S." as far as catering to illegal aliens goes. "All of these dirtbags are giddy as hell about their newfound piggy bank to fund their romper room insanity," wrote another. "Insane Clown Posse is running rampant throughout society, in the good old days, they would all have been lined up and shot." Numerous others complained that as citizens of America, they had to pay their own way through school with much hardship, and now all these illegals are being handed the keys to the kingdom for free. "I had to work full time going to college, then enlisted in the USMC for the GI Bill. This disgusts me." "It isn't your state or nation any longer," responded another, explaining that the globalists are in charge now and they hate whitey with a passion. "You are nothing more than a vessel to capture revenue so politicians can play a real-life game of Sim City ... unfortunately their game has real and profoundly negative consequences on Americans, our security, our prosperity, and our culture." The latest news about the controlled demolition of the formerly United States can be found at Collapse.news. Sources for this article include: AlphaNews.org NaturalNews.com