AP updates Stylebook telling writers to stop calling it "transgenderism," and to stop calling gender ideology an "ideology" – it's just NORMAL, according to "experts"
By ethanh // 2023-06-11
The latest edition of the Associated Press (AP) Stylebook includes new changes to the LGBT lexicon, including no more usage of the word "transgenderism" or the term "gender ideology" as both are now considered to be offensive. According to the new AP Stylebook, calling it "transgenderism" is now wrong because the word "frames transgender identity as an ideology," which the AP says is incorrect. "Sex often corresponds with but is not synonymous with gender, which is a social construct," the AP Stylebook further tells writers who use it as a guide for their work. When referring to a person's biological sex, the AP Stylebook says not to call it biological sex anymore, but rather "sex assigned at birth." In other words, male or female body parts are irrelevant: whatever a transgender decides to call itself is its true "identity." The AP Stylebook also warns against using terms like "birth gender, was identified at birth as, born a girl and the like" to describe transgenders as these, too, are offensive. "A person's sex is usually assigned at birth by parents or attendants, sometimes inaccurately," the AP Stylebook further warns. "Not all people fall under one of two categories for sex." (Related: Because the AP Stylebook is used throughout major media, many journalists end up parroting the propaganda about how mutilating children is just "gender-affirming health care" – twisted words, evil aims.)

Sorry, AP: they will always be mentally ill transgenders who reject their natural biology

The AP Stylebook had a little bit more trouble trying to sanitize the words and phrases used to describe transgender mutilation. To call it a "sex change" is still okay but frowned upon, as is the term "transsexual." "Do not use the outdated term sex change, and avoid describing someone as pre-op or post-op," the manuscript advises. "Do not use the outdated term transsexual unless a source specifically asks to be identified as such." It is never okay, according to the AP Stylebook, for writers to ever call a transgender by its birth name as assigned by the parents. The only exception is if doing so is first "approved by managers." Anything referring to a child's actual biological sex should never be referred to as such, but is also to be called "assigned" identity at birth. "Avoid references to a transgender person being born a boy or girl, or phrasing like birth gender. Sex assigned at birth is the accurate terminology. The shorthand trans is acceptable on second reference and in headlines." The guide specifically says to never use the term "transgendered" or "transgender/s as a noun," though calling them "trans" is still okay. It is never okay, though, for a writer to call it a "sex change surgery." Instead, it must always be referenced as "gender-affirming" or "gender-affirming surgery." The AP Stylebook further demands that writers never refer to any such procedures as "mutilation," even though that is exactly what happens when a person's body parts are chopped up for such purposes. As for drag queens, there is an entire section in the guide describing these people as "entertainers who dress and act as a different gender." "Drag queens act as women; drag kings act as men," it states. "Male impersonator and female impersonator are also acceptable. Defer to the performer's wishes on pronouns. Not synonymous with cross-dresser or transgender." Speaking of pronouns, the AP Stylebook is insistent that reporters bend and sway on demand by transgenders to use their pronoun flavors of the day, no matter how many times they change them from week to week and day to day. The trans-ification of America continues. Learn more at Transhumanism.news. Sources for this article include: Newsbusters.org NaturalNews.com