IT'S A FARCE: Air Force now saluting LGBT community's rainbow flag in celebration of Pride month
By ramontomeydw // 2023-06-12
The U.S. Air Force is now pledging allegiance to the woke agenda by saluting the expanded rainbow flag of the LGBT community in celebration of Pride month. A June 8 tweet by the official Air Force Twitter account featured a silhouette of a saluting Air Force member in front of the 11-striped LGBT flag. The caption reads: "June is Pride month! The Department of the Air Force proudly recognizes and celebrates generations of LGBT service members and their contributions to the Air Force and Space Force." According to WND, the tweet formed "part of an unprecedented official U.S. military campaign to celebrate LGBT pride" in line with President Joe Biden's "overall leftist 'diversity' formula." But this wasn't the first instance of the commander-in-chief mandating support for LGBT. In 2021, he gave blanket approval for U.S. embassies abroad to fly the LGBT flag to celebrate Pride months – overturning a ban imposed by his predecessor, former President Donald Trump. Several people expressed their disdain in replies to the Air Force tweet, with many of them saying they will discourage their children from enlisting in the military. The remarks only confirmed that the Biden administration's woke policies are linked to dwindling recruitment numbers in all military branches. "As an [Air Force] veteran, this is pathetic and embarrassing," said Mike Garcia. "You should focus on winning wars, not social or political issues. Disgusting." Tim Young of the "Tim Runs His Mouth" podcast, meanwhile, pointed out: "I'm so old, I remember when our military only saluted the American flag. Not a flag celebrating all the things people have sex with." John Burk of "The All-American Savage Show" podcast lamented that the Air Force's post celebrating Pride reflects a "sad state of affairs for the military." He continued that the tweet served as "proof that the military has put [its] main focus on corporate agendas to appease the progressive crowd." "Their recruitment numbers are plummeting and this is the main reason. So rather than simply focus on war fighting and the like, they continue down this path that is destroying them."

Military under Biden prioritizing WOKEISM over military readiness

The Air Force's tweet celebrating Pride month also highlighted the fact that the military under the Biden administration is prioritizing wokeism over military readiness. Brannon Howse of the "Worldview Report" on Brighteon.TV pointed that out a long time ago. In an episode of his program in April last year, he cited the "Airmen's Time" initiative in the Air Force as an example of this skewed priority. The initiative was set up to "create a safe space, be present and ensure that Air Force culture invites healthy conversation for every airman anytime, anywhere." Airmen's Time, which reportedly seeks to promote "the well-being and development of airmen," had already been incorporated into the Air Force's schedule and training programs. Howse remarked: "If these airmen don't know their purpose yet – which is to defend the nation against enemies, foreign and domestic – do they really need to be in the Air Force?" He ultimately warned that pivoting toward wokeism will compromise America’s readiness against attacks by its enemies. (Related: Brannon Howse: US military under Biden is prioritizing WOKENESS over READINESS – Brighteon.TV.) The "Worldview Report" host was not alone in his criticism of Airmen's Time. Army veteran James Carafano of the conservative think tank Heritage Foundation also denounced the initiative. "We are taking service members away from their regular duties," Carafano told the Free Beacon. "This appears to be an initiative that is compromising on readiness for no commensurate benefit and indeed may risk hurting morale, unit cohesion and individual performance." Citing the Free Beacon, Howse also disclosed that Army members are being required to undergo training on gender identity and pronouns. Those who spoke out against the training found themselves "disciplined and even relieved of their duties." The host of "Worldview Report" said: "Republicans in Congress and some in the military have criticized these initiatives for pushing woke propaganda within the service." Watch Brannon Howse pointing out how the military under the Biden administration is making wokeism its No. 1 priority on "Worldview Report." This video is from the BrighteonTV channel on

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